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Why video?

  • 800m people on YouTube, it’s projected to bypass Facebook by 2013.
  • 90% of web traffic will be video by 2013 according to cisco predictions
  • Over half of TVs are expected to connect to the Internet by 2015
  • The new way of video finally allows the little guys to compete with the big guys 🙂

Video hits your gut. Video gets an emotional response. People make impulse buys based on these emotions.

Suggestions on videos for your business

  • Happy client videos
  • ‘office dance party’ videos
  •  Painting elephant videos
  •  All about us video, shot documentary style

Tips when shooting videos

Listen.  What do you hear?  A neighbor’s lawnmower or any background noise can be extremely annoying.

Look.  What do you see?  Is your bedroom really professional?  Make sure you don’t record in your office late at night where you look like a vampire!

Get to the point.  1-2 minutes if it’s just you, people have a short attention span.  Interviews can last a little longer but the shorter the better.

Product pages with video sell TWICE as much product as product pages without video!

How can I leverage my video?

  • Presentations
  • In your signature – what do you love about your work
  • Vlog
  • Product education
  • FAQ

More helpful hints:

  • Use a different username & password than your gmail for YouTube…unless you want your assistant in your email 😉
  • Make your channel look like your website
  • Mpeg stream clip if you need to convert video easily to mp4 format
  • Share on social networks after uploading

Video Analytics

Click on the analytics tab in YouTube.  Amazing stuff….tells gender, age, where located in the world, (this helps you cater better to the demographic that loves you), how they found you, hotspots.

Hotspots will tell you where people lose interest and leave!! YouTube let’s you add bubbles (annotations) to keep prospects interested in the slow spots 🙂

Spread the news using – bing, iTunes, vimeo, YouTube, and more all with one upload. If you put the URL in the description look how many linkbacks you have!!!

53% more likely to show up in google search if your web pages have video.

Want free music for your videos?

Killer tracks
Extreme music for $5 voiceovers
