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Unsolicited SEO “Expert” SPAM Emails & Signs of Phishing


You’re likely here because you’re wondering if it’s too good to be true and the answer is probably, “yes.” Did you just get another email that promised you the world in Google rankings? 

We did too. Every day. (Sometimes up to a dozen in a day! Like, are they even reading?)

All you need is the ability to breathe and an email address to see the quintessential SPAM request. With billions of spam messages sent every day you’ve likely seen a demand for payment from another country, a potential love match, and now business owner solicitations from some unknown and unsearchable SEO company guaranteeing cheap and easy success and #1 Google rankings. 

Anyone with a publicly registered domain or contact details easily accessible on a website will receive an SEO spam email. They are in the running for the most common unsolicited email. These emails often include a blanket price for the services.


Please be careful. Call us, even. It is important to practice caution when communicating with companies that you did not initiate conversation with. 

Many of these SPAMMERS will use scare tactics and warn you of outdated code and software even. They could be right. But why not see if its something someone you trust can take care of at a low or no cost first? 

Now there are real legitimate local SEO marketing companies out there, like Cal Coast Web Design, that use email marketing for sales. But more often than not, these emails contain malicious phishing attempts or even malware. 

How To Recognize Spam & Phishing Emails

Poor grammar is a sure fire indicator. Not just poor spelling, but sentence structure, use of tense, missed punctuation, etc. Spam emails often sound aggressive or pushy in tone with demands instead of offers. 

Who sent the email? Look for the senders email address. Is it associated with a live active website representing the very service they are trying to sell you? Spammers often use generic web email accounts like Gmail or Yahoo because it discretion and some protection against spam complaints that could harm their domain and business long term.

Rainbow Eucalyptus Bark

Small flat rate quotes are as RARE as a white peacock sunbathing under a rainbow eucalyptus.  (Go ahead and Google. I’ll wait. So pretty, right?)

Anyway, SEO services are not one-size-fits-all. If you receive a quote with a flat rate from an unsolicited email that confirms an understanding of your business, industry, competitors, or website infrastructure and content is worth at least looking into further, if not just a PASS to save yourself time and energy. One cannot simply optimize all websites within the same amount of time and therefor budget.

P.S. $99 hasn’t gotten you #1 rankings for most keyword phrases that offer ROI in decades. This is well below the current industry standard.

Inconsistencies in content and branding, urgency and threats, suspicious links and attachments and the overall tone of the email can often share with us whether the risk is worth it.  

But what could happen?

The goal of the phishing attacker is most often to have the recipient click a link, enter login or other personal info into a spoofed webpage, or even download a malicious attachment that can install malware on a device.

Not to be a Negative Nancy here, but the absolute worst case scenario is to accidentally give malicious scammers access to your website for hacking and to cause fraud or damage; or ignorant scammers access to your site that could cause irreparable damage and search penalties in Google.

Still want more?

We have more to share. But at this point, you’ve likely spent enough time on this spam stuff and could use that time and energy back. Just reach out if you want to see a Part 2 with details!
