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Local Search Engine Optimization

Local SEO is one of the most important marketing campaigns a local business can do to get in front of more customers and increase sales.

We use proven local SEO strategies & website optimization techniques, plus advanced mobile SEO strategies, Social Signals, and effective reputation building and marketing to make your business stand out, drive traffic and bring you leads. Whether you are just starting out with creating some basic local profiles, or you are looking for a full Local SEO campaign to drive traffic and get you regular leads, we have a package to fit your needs.

Local SEO companies often focus solely on desktop search ranking strategies that now make up less than 50% of local search. Cal Coast Web Design delivers SEO results for local businesses looking to be found when potential customers search on desktop PCs and mobile devices. We incorporate a mobile-first local SEO strategy that outsmarts the competition. Our goal is to ensure your business is highly visible on the web where your potential customers can easily contact you from virtually any device they might be using.


Our Focus

Attract More

How do customers choose you instead of the competition? First you have to be visible. Then, you have to stand out. Online reviews are extremely important for any local business to stand out from the crowd. Reviews are also very important social signals that Google uses to increase local search rankings.

Our turn-key reputation marketing program,“Reputation Advantage,” is your secret weapon. Rep Advantage automates the customer feedback funnel which helps you take the temperature of your business while improve customer satisfaction. Rep Advantage’s key benefit is that it makes it so easy for customers to give feedback that can be turned into positive online reviews. Find out more about Rep Advantage today.

Google Map Business Listing Optimization


Google My Business (Previously “Google Places”) connects you directly with customers, whether they’re looking for you on Search, Maps or Google+.

Our Local SEO experts can get your business on the Google Map with our proven Google+Map optimization strategies.

Ready to get started?​

Whether you're ready now or still have questions, schedule a FREE consultation for more info.​