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Orange County Social Media Summit

Orange County Social Media Summit

Are you using social media for your business? If not you are missing out! Social media has the potential to increase your presence in the online world substantially. All it takes is time and knowledge.

Saddleback Church recently hosted a Social Media Summit to help anyone who was interested in learning from the best and brightest local Orange County social media experts. This event covered topics that range from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and various other social media applications.

Cal Coast Web Design attended the Social Media Summit. The knowledge that we obtained has already helped us and we have decided to share this vast amount of information with you! Over the next couple of weeks we will be posting what we learned from the various speakers.

This event was live streamed online and was attended by more than 700 people eager to learn tips and tricks on social media.

Did you know:

  • 64% of people are more likely to buy a product they follow on twitter
  • 61% will be using primarily video by 2015
  • Average email user receives 147 messages every day and spends more than 2.5 hours on email a day.
    •  how do you make your business stand out from the already crowded sea of online advertising?
  • 3 billion searches in Google done each day. Google answers 34,000 questions per second. Are people finding your website through search engines?  If not…that’s not ok!
