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What Are Your Competitors Doing?

Good morning everyone! When you think of Search Engine Optimization what comes to mind? Most people will tell you they associate SEO with reciprocal links, one way links, and blogging and they would be right to do so. There are several other parts to the SEO puzzle that generally slide under everybody’s radar.

Once more staying involved with your website will help make or break the success of your site and looking at what your competition is doing can help you make improvements to your website and show you something you might have over looked. Lets say that you show up as the number 2 result in Google for “widgets” and your competitor is number 1. Let’s also say that you’ve been scratching your head for several months trying to figure out why you and your search engine marketer have been unable to usurp your rival website. You’ve been submitted to countless directories, you have great reciprocal links, and both you and your SEM fill the Internet with blogs about your website and it’s products and/or services. So why are you still not in the top spot?

The first thing I would recommend that all Cal Coast Web Design clients do is pay a visit to the website or websites that your looking to beat out for the top spot. Open a notepad or grab and pen and paper and start taking notes. Take a good solid look at what your competitor is doing and begin comparing it to what you are doing. Does your competitors website offer “widgets” at lower prices? Do they offer multiple shipping options…do you? Is there website easier to navigate? How easy is it to find information about specific “widgets” on your competitors website? What on your competitors website catches your eye? What do they have that you don’t?

People that visit websites especially when shopping online want websites that make them feel comfortable, contain detailed yet easy to read information about products, are easy to navigate, and provide a multitude of options ranging from payment and shipping options to a variety of products and related information.

Take these notes and mull them over for a while. Consider making changes to your website so that it becomes more competitive with other sites. Sometimes it takes more than money, links, and blogs to improve your websites performance. When you’ve decided on the best course of action, communicate this to us and your web designer so that we can help you decide what’s best for your site!

Walmart employees visit Target stores to see what their biggest competitor is up to, shouldn’t you be doing the same?
