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Updating Your Website Content

Though these days Cal Coast Web Design clients are likely to hear more about links and blogging, the content you have on your website is of the utmost importance. I’ve set up sites in the past for clients that leave the default generated content I gave them, on their sites thinking it was “good enough”.

The content on your website is what really catches the attention of the search engines and it tell both them and your visitors who you are what you do and what services you provide and in some cases how much you’ll provide them for. It has been stated by many people in the past that content is king and that still holds true even in today’s linked based search engine optimization world.

When dealing with content first remove any default content that’s been generated by either you or your web designer and then create your own. If we are talking about homepage content try to focus on what it is that you do and who you are and what you can do for your visitors. The conversion rate from visitors to buyers is still pretty low and your customers want to feel comfortable with you. The people that contact you or buy something from you are probably doing so because they trust you and your website. What better way to begin gaining their trust then by giving them details on you and your business.

You’ll want to be as detailed as possible when you create content for any portion of your page but when you’re dealing with information about your area (for all you real estate people out there) you want to be as detail oriented as possible. Include not just information about your main city but try to include additional information about suburbs and unincorporated areas nearby that you may service in some fashion. This only increases your chances of being indexed by search engines because now your site showcases information about multiple places instead of just one or two big ones.

Lastly content should change periodically and should remain a priority for you and your website. Updating the information your website contains is beneficial to both your visitors and the search engines. This will give something extra for the search engines to see and will show your visitors that you take your website seriously (especially if they are repeat visitors). How would you feel about a site you visited over a three month period but never updated its content? I’m pretty certain that most of us would find somewhere else to go.

As always if you have questions about content please contact us so that we can help you either with writing content or getting up on your site!
