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SEO success….what does it look like?

I’ve been doing a lot of speaking lately around Orange County to various businesses, and I’m seeing a lot of confusion, disconnection, and plain chaos when it comes to SUCCESSFUL online marketing.

Inquiring minds want to know…just what does a successful online marketing campaign DO? And how will it generate me $$$? And, while we’re at it, can we put that in a box and wrap it up? With a guarantee? Absolutely we can!!! Here is your pretty box of online success, unwrapped. For those of you struggling, this info is a gift…so tear in!

SEO success begins with Keyword Research.

I know, you don’t want to hear this, but successful online marketing begins with planning and research. Ugh, you say, we’ve been arguing over our website for years. Of course you have, because everyone has an opinion. But online marketing is not about what you want, its about what your potential clients want. How do your potential clients find what they want? Well, they search for it. How do YOU find THEM? Easy. You know WHAT THEY SEARCH FOR. Once you have this information, redesigning or updating your website is simple, because you have numbers associated with every potential action. These numbers and phrases will give you your strategic order of operations. Its not what the company owner, the PR company, the SEO company, or your SMO company think here. Its what your potential clients type in. Period. The data is out there…have you dug it up? Every successful SEO campaign has, so if you want to be successful, you have to do it too 🙂

Successful SEO focuses on YOUR website. Not advertising on someone else’s.

Once you know (not guess) your phrases, and have a true glimpse of what your target market wants, its time to make your website reflect what’s important. Yes, your OWN website, that thing you have been ignoring and not using for years. Strategic landing pages, sections, promotions, and calls to action are in order. It’s time to put this lazy salesperson to work. Surprisingly, when you begin to focus and hold it accountable, your website begins to produce. Results you never expected. Not only will your optimized website generate NEW leads, you’ll also better service your existing clients, who will be more likely to tell friends. A well done website is a marriage of both sales and service, please don’t ever forget that!

Yes, this is work. Success isn’t usually simple. What we see most businesses doing is cutting corners. They don’t want to take the time to research, they are not willing to implement new systems or strategies, and they have little or no resources when it comes to the website department. Sound familiar? Don’t be this guy!

Successful SEO doesn’t ignore SMO or any new trends.

I’m sorry to tell you that it’s not done yet. Its actually NEVER done, successful online marketing campaigns are ongoing. You’ll eventually get to a place with your website when it converts and has enough landing pages and content. These things will be bringing you business, but of course, now you want more! This is when SMO and name branding / recognition comes into the picture. What if your clientelle prefers to hang out on Facebook, not your website? What if they like Twitter updates, but you keep emailing them? Are you really going to be able to connect with them if you make them come to you? Not always, which is why you need representation and INTERACTION in Social Media, also known as SMO.

Yes, SMO is all the rage right now. It may be for years to come, too. BUT, its NOT ok for you to do SMO without doing SEO. And while we’re at it.. its not ok for you to drop $500/mo on Pay Per Click or other sites like the Yellow Pages while you IGNORE your OWN. WHY? SEO will drop qualified leads (they qualify themselves by typing in the right phrase) on your businesses front door (website). And once your website is optimized, Google and search engines will continue to refer it, for NO CHARGE!

SMO is more like a party and social atmosphere, selling there is a big no-no. Since you have to sell to keep your doors open, a strategic SEO campaign is essential, FIRST, not as an afterthought. But every business also knows client retention is crucial. SMO can help you retain clients and even strengthen your relationships with them, and it helps you do it on a mass level.

Wouldn’t it be cool to keep all your existing clients AND generate new ones? This is what true online success looks like! Leads in your lap, and people you haven’t spoken with directly in months referring you new business, because you remained front of mind. Ah, such a pretty picture, isn’t it?!

Check back soon for case studies of SEO success! If you are interested in one of our guaranteed SEO packages, just tweet @calcoast, comment here, or, if your old fashioned.. our toll free # is 949-229-5932 x2.
