Cal Coast Web Design wants to help you maximize the exposure you get with your listings!
On all of these sites listings can be viewed by your fans, friends, and followers making it easier than ever to get the word out on a specific listings, price reductions, and even brand new or recently sold listings. Placing listings on your Social Media pages has never been easier either. On the three big Social Media sites users are able to copy and paste links into status updates, news updates, and tweets. Doing so in most cases will bring up a picture of the page for display on your account. Links and images are a great way to catch the eye of your followers and entice them into reading more.
The SoCal MLS has made this process even easier so now there’s no excuse to not utilize the Social Media sites. If you’d like to use Social media sites to get the word out on your listings you can do so by simply following these instructions.
1. Start by using the SoCal MSL URL http://www.socalmls.com/.
2. Add your listings MLS number to the end of the aforementioned address. The end result will look something like this. http://www.socalmls.com/X95000436
3. Paste this address into your web browser, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc. which will take you to your listings.
4. To the right of your listing photo you’ll see the following icons.
5. Clicking on any of these icons will send the listing to your account on each respective Social Media site.
6. You can now begin editing your entry and DON’T FORGET TO ADD A BIT OF commentary TO YOUR listing so that those viewing the listing can get as much information as possible.
7. Once you’re all finished your visitors will be able to click on the link to receive full details on any listing you’ve entered.
Not only will your listings be available to the people who follow your tweets and who befriend you or become fans on Facebook and Myspace but everyone they’re connected with too! Social media sites should be utilized and utilized often. Once you receive a new listing be sure to follow the instructions above in order to maximize viewers and potential buyers!