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Quality Vs. Quantity

Back in the “old days”, when we talked about search engine optimization we often talked of the importance of link, both reciprocal and one way but more so we talk about and emphasized the number of links your website should have. I recently spoke with a Cal Coast Web Design client who was under the impression that it was still of the utmost importance to get as many links as possible no matter what sites they where from and no matter what the quality of those sites where.

While it is still important to have a good number of both reciprocal and one way links coming back to your website, these days it’s all about quality. I had to explain to this client that while they where right to think that sheer numbers are important the quality of said links is much more vital to the success of their site. This client was also unaware that accepting links to and from sites with a low page rank can actually be damaging your search engine performance.

Though many of us know that quality is more important that quantity when it comes to linking there are still those who don’t and don’t know that it’s better to have links that relate to the services and products your website offers. As clients of Cal Coast Web Design we will only request a reciprocal link from a website that has a page rank of 4 or higher and in generally these sites will in some way relate to yours. The only occasional exception to this rule might be when a business in your local city or area is requesting a link to and from your site. These types of links are beneficial to your website and so we will sometimes accept such a request.

Thought Cal Coast Web Design handles your linking for you, feel free to browse the Internet for sites you think would be useful, popular, and are related to yours in some fashion. You can always take down the URL and send it to us here, asking us to request a reciprocal link. We will evaluate these requests and advise you on whether they are quality link requests or not. If they are we will gladly take care of them for you.
