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DIY – Maintaining & Editing Your Own Blogger Blog 101: Driving Traffic To Your Blog

As always, the Cal Coast team encourages you to Do It Yourself with an SEO campaign. You know what you do best!

DIY – Maintaining & Editing Your Own Blogger Blog was created to show small businesses how they can be a part of maintaining and driving traffic to their own blog. In this economy (or let face it, any economy) we at to save money. How can we do that? By taking on the tasks that you DONT need a professional for. While its important to work with an SEO consultant to ensure you are blogging for success, blogging itself is easy after just a short hour of learning! is a Google service that allows its users to post blogs as well as post comments on others’ blogs.
  • If you have already set up your blogger blog, continue below.
  • If someone else has set up a blogger blog for you, ensure you have your login info and then continue below
  • If you still need to set up your blog, just follow the step by step instructions or have Cal Coast build you a blog.

Blogging Resources:

  1. Visit
  2. Select your blog under Blog Name
  3. Select Create New Post
  4. Please include a title but do not worry about a link. One will automatically be created for you should you not create one.
  5. Begin adding your content. The editor is simple. It’s just like an email program or word. Format it as you wish but the main thing to remember is to incorporate your keywords that you are optimizing for. We also encourage you to link any terms to pages in your site that correspond to the related topic. To do this simply highlight the text you wish to link, select the chain and world image button next to the text color option and insert the url you would like it to link to. That’s it!We recommend you blog about anything cool you have discovered that could be valuable information to your target market or others in general. You can blog about shoes if you want but us savvy business owners like to blog about tools to help our targeted market. If you have a new piece of marketing you want to post, feel free to do so but it is important that your entire blog is not just about selling yourself or your product. Its abut providing your visitors with valuable information and tools. When you can easily integrate one of your main keywords, it is important to do so. These factors will appease the search engines. CLICK HERE to read Blogging? 11 Ideas for Interesting Posts
    We ask that you are careful when incorporating keywords and links though. Too many links back to your site or more than 7-10% of the same keyword will cause the search engines to think that the content is SPAM and they will block your blog. Again, feel free to contact a Cal Coast representative for more information.

    Once your post is ready to go, just type in the word verification below the posting area and click “Publish Post.”

Blogs are many times described as online journals or diaries, but they are far more than just a place to record your thoughts on the Web. Blogs are extremely popular and often times take on a life of their own once started. Beginning a blog on your site or on a dedicated site such as, can help to attract more visitors as well as up your standings with search engines.
A blog can take many forms and contain any content you wish. Since your goal is to drive traffic to your Web site and gain exposure for your company and products, it is best to keep content professional and relevant. News releases about a recent award or your latest product enhancement are great places to start. Once posted, visitors to your blog can leave comments and additional information, adding more content with each keystroke. In addition, adding seeded keywords as well as cleverly incorporated links to your site can help increase traffic. As you add weekly or monthly updates to your blog, more and more content becomes accessible to search engines, helping drive visitors to your blog and ultimately your site.
Here is a quick recipe to help further explain:
  • Baked Blog Casserole with Relevance Sauce
  • Dash of Research
  • Pinch of Creativity
  • ½ cup Keyword Seeds
  • 1 lb Link Linguine
  • Relevance Sauce
Add a Dash of Research to your current SEO program and investigate large Blogging websites such as Other Blogging websites exist so spend a few moments researching your choices and select the Blogging site you think is best for you.
Use a pinch of creativity to develop content for your blog. Focus on new or unique services or products your company offers. Many customers choose to create press releases or testimonials for posting, but a simple journal about your company will work as well. Cal Coast can help you create this content and can even create a Blogging program for you. Our content professionals can add to your blog weekly and help to drive business to your Web sit.
Prepare link linguine and sprinkle content with keyword seeds. When you post a blog about your company, products or services on a dedicated Blogging site, you should also creatively add links to your main Web site throughout the content. By doing so, visitors to your blog can find out about the unique aspects of your business as well as link directly to your site. Keywords are also important for search engines and will help ensure that your site is returned near the top of search results. Since your blog will the searched for keywords every time a search is conducted, be sure to use as many keywords as possible when developing content.
Cover with Relevance Sauce. Once your blog is posted, be sure to update it regularly with relevant news or information about your business, products or services. In addition, visitors can also add information, further enhancing your content and blog.
We encourage you to login to your account and post blogs about news related to your business or industry. Blog about a new service or product. Blog about recent news and your thoughts, feelings, solutions or even questions regarding he situation. Don’t be scared. You don’t have to be proper. Be yourself. Use normal dialogue. The search engines and your viewers will appreciate it!

The more you blog, the better your rankings and traffic will be. Not only will the content linking to your site help your rankings, but it’s just another avenue for surfers to get to your site to act!
We will be posting to your site on your behalf if you are a monthly client. If you are not signed up for a daily/weekly package, you may want to supplement some of our work wit your own!
Let us know if you have any questions.