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Expand Your Brand Through Social Media Seminar with Tom Ferry

Today I went to the Crowne Plaza in Garden Grove to hear coach Tom Ferry speak to Realtors and lenders on social media. Social Media Optimization (SMO) is so important nowadays, we’re always looking for ideas and fresh prospective for our clients. Since I took the time to go, you know I’m gonna take the time to blog about it….comment your thoughts!

Tom reminded us everything CHANGES, fast, and we need to adapt to these changes. Some fun stats on what’s changing:

First off the twitter inquiry…only about 1/3 of this room is on Twitter. Yikes people!!!

There are 200 million people on Facebook, yet not many more in this room either. More than Twitter, but… Yikes again!

67 percent of all business professionals are on Facebook… it’s not just for kids!

Since 34 percent of consumers select their Realtor online (NAR stat!), its essential to know this stuff. Its essential to get your website found and have a good reputation for yourself.

100 percent of people (per CAR) have searched for real estate online.

Tom asked…if you Google yourself, do you dominate the results? Do you like what you see? As I’m furiously nodding my head everyone around me looks clueless. He reminded agents how important name branding and recognition is (YAY, TOM). If your reading this and your answer is no, we have a package for that 🙂 Control and protect your name online, or others may control and tarnish it.

If someone writes about you online, do you know about it? Do they say good things? Everyone is open for a negative blog post about them – you have to dominate with your name rankings first before negative comments come! They will, its a web 2.0 world. Do NOT wait until you have a problem to do damage control. Not everybody’s gonna like you…sorry 🙁

Tom also reminded agents Google is God online and you need search engine optimization (SEO) to get people to your website. We love SEO, we think its the backbone for every up and coming business 🙂

The BIG QUESTION: Are you irrelevant to your buyers and sellers? Are they not talking to you? Why??

Ask yourself: Do you have a digital strategy for buyers and sellers?

Are you fully utilizing your phone, email, and blog? Are you on the top 10 social networking sites?

If your not showing up, you’re not relevant! You’d show up to a listing appointment, right? So get online for those virtual appointments too!!!

Fill out your Google profile, Linkedin, Activerain, Facebook, Twitter, NOW so your rankings for your name are relevant. Now were talkin. Wanna do even better? Get on video.

What should you have on video? Um, houses (haha), yourself giving good advice, testimonials, neighborhood tours. Video is the way of the future. you know Google owns Youtube, right?

Go home tonite, get a video camera, and record. But Tom, my hair looks bad today. Who cares! Do it anyway 🙂 is a way to SEO your video, so after your awesome hair is recorded submit there.

Now that your digital, remember this does NOT replace personal interaction, it only enhances it.

Call your customers and ask if they are on social networking sites. Connect, stay relevant, stay in the game!

Not buyin it still? Look at Obama. Would he have been elected without his SMO?? Is it too confusing? Quit cryin. Remember your first RPA? Too time consuming? Change your thinking. You’re really automating and expanding your reach here.

Toms rules for social media.

1. Do not market. This is an online cocktail party. Ask engaging questions, no pitching, silly.

2. Do not be a one person island. reach out and contribute to conversations. You mean its not all about me???

3. Perception control. No fighting or arguing. Don’t put stuff on your social sites you don’t want everyone to see. Duh 🙂

Next up, Tom had real estate superstar, Josh Galvan, up to get in the knitty gritty of SMO.

Josh reminded the room to change or die. Change implies choice. You really have no choice here, sorry, the consumer expects you to evolve into their world, and they hang out online.

How do you do this? there’s steps. These are in order of importance, agents!

1. Get a blog. (Josh, love you already)

2. Choose a niche and brand yourself with with it. Blend your passion with a specific segment of the market that is large enough for you to do biz. What keyword phrase do you want to control in the next 2 years? Start small. Choose one.

3. Get on Twitter and Facebook. Make sure your profiles are filled out completely, and you have your usernames set up. Be you. Be transparent. Don’t worry about pleasing everyone.

4. Put your social network URLs on your print materials and your email signatures. CAR says 74 percent of consumers choose an agent because they believe that agent is technically savvy. Are YOU that agent? Ya better be!!!

5. Systemize it! Make Twitter talk to Facebook and your blog talk to your Twitter. Get started, stop being afraid of it. Social media won’t bite you. Well, only if you ignore it 🙂
Five ways to expand your brand and meet more clients.

1. Email your database and tell them you’re on social sites, ask for their URLs and connect with them. If you don’t, your competition just did!

2. Create a Facebook page for your real estate biz.

3. Join facebook groups. aka people who are like minds who would refer you business.
ALSO Create your facebook CATEGORIES. Prospects, friends, family, past clients, church group. Sponsor the group or blog for your farm! *lightbulb* 🙂

4.…find people in a 50 mile radius from you.

5.…directory of twitter users.

Don’t get hung up on numbers. This is about relationships. Stop comparing yourself to others and make your space! Who cares if its cute and small…its kinda like your first condo 🙂

Systemization tips!!!

1. Interconnect your blog with your Facebook and Twitter. glad you mentioned it, Tom. We gotta post on that 🙂

2. Create your social media system. OMG Tom Ferry suggesting a system??? Duh.,, and If you’re gonna do it, then systemize it right! 🙂 Remember to group your Twitter and Facebook people.

3. Connect with outside agents and massage your referral sphere.

Realtors, are you ready? Are you in it to win it now? Don’t let the drunk monkey get to you…if you’re still in the real estate business you’ve already won! Now let’s go with the SMO!

Want more?? Check out the summit in Palm Desert Aug 11th – 14th. Thanks, Tom!!!! You’re such a wonderful real estate coach 🙂
