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5 Ways YOU Can Support Your Networking Groups on the Internet

So. Your LeTip group, BNI group, Chamber of Commerce group keeps getting smaller. You wonder…where are all the people???? Why don’t that many businesses show up anymore? Where are all the guests? You love your group, & you want everyone in there to be successful. BUT…How can you help them get there?

5 Secrets to Networking 2.0:

1. Display the group’s logo / badge on your website and link back to your organization. This is a 24/7 trust factor for your business (who doesn’t want to see you are with the BBB and the Chamber?!), and, a 24/7 advertisment for your networking group.

2. Use the group’s FREE resources. If they give you a page on their website or a post on their blog, UPDATE IT! If you as members don’t make your networking group’s blog or website resourceful…then who will?

3. Follow your group on Twitter. If they are having an event of value, RT them! @ back your fellow members. Engage and care what the other businesses in your community are doing. Remember to refer them ON-line the way you do OFF-line.

4. Don’t just ‘Like’ your group on Facebook, CHECK IN while you’re networking. Perception is everything. If lunchtime Facebookers see 80 people check in at the same midday mixer, do you think they might want to see what all the fuss is about???

5. Join your group on LinkedIn. While you’re there, post something valuable from your industry that the other members should know about. If people see your group helping and contributing to eachother online, they will show up to your event(s) offline.

Networking is no longer a weekly or monthly shake-hands-exchange-cards-expect-business thing. Networking is a daily way of life. Does YOUR group understand Networking 2.0?

If not, we are happy to come and speak for ANY networking group in Orange County. Just call us to set it up. Even better, consider offer a hands on workshop for your members!!!
