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Where My Social Media Measuring Tools At?

Measuring Web 2.0 is about empowering users.
Measurement is done with conversations and engagement. Traffic and ROI are subtle.

Remember, you need to go where the conversation is going.

Listen! Conversation mining helps marketers promote and protect their brands through measurement of analysis.

It empowers you to know your user and what they will do and how they will act.

Ask Yourself

  • How do people feel about our brand?
  • Who are the most influential voices?
  • How effective are we contributing to their world?


  • Influentials – Look at your referring sites. Who are they? What are they saying?
  • Voices – Custom developed for each client. Can be analyzed in terms of sentiment
  • Relationship Topics – Volume of topics
  • Competitor Features – Star/Radar polarity charts are used
  • Product Attribute Tag Clouds – Provides good snapshot of the words associated with a product or brand
  • Limitations of Automation – Machines don’t understand sarcasm.

How To Use It:

  • Make it an Extension of Customer Service
  • eResponder: Venue & Interaction Databese. Intercede on issues!
  • Trending

Free Resources:

His particular philosophy is about connecting communities, not creating them.

Look at conversations about topics and isolate the influential content being talked about.

  • Uncover conversations – Look at kws associated with these conversations. Look at the mass of social media info of blogs and boiling it down to those that are talking about your topics.
  • Other Site Targeting – Compare what BuzzLogic returns content wise to other networks via forums, etc. They found a set of blogs talking about those topics and linking to others talking about those topic.
  • Rank the Influencers – Ranked their sites by conversation/kw (how often, how much reach does it have, etc.)
  • Identify Influencer Networks for Ad Placement

In Social Media advertising, creativity is crucial!

  • Must be compelling
  • Must be informative
  • Must have clear Call-To-Action

What are your Social Media Conversion Goals?:

  • RSS Subscriptions
  • Newsletter Subscriptions

What To Remember:

  • There’s no 1 killer metric for social media
  • Track anything possible to glead insight
  • Not about numbers
  • It’s all relative (focus on benchmark and trend)
  • Measuring success for social media doesn’t equal ROI
  • No 1 platform gives us everything!

Bummer. I was hoping to get actual TOOLS. Apparently they don’t exist. Please, for the love of search, will someone please pitch me their Social Media Analytics all inclusive tool next year at SES Expo?!!!! LOL 😉
