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Kendall Allen started us off.

Digital has been the playground for integration of Social Marketing.

  • Community is building it’s presence in some fashion in any online plan.
  • Smart marketers are considering the mindset per channel or platform and designing and planning to tailor to that mind set.
  • The state of tools available to marketers and consumer is at all time high. Marketers are even able to make these tools.
  • Blogosphere is showing up in integrated media plans as well.
    • i.e. – Search “Special K with Yahoo!” The cross marketed online, cereal, print, tv, etc. Special K sponsored Yahoo health pages. They then encouraged people to interact.

Quick Tips: offers creative options in Social Media.

Social Spark – Blog Network. Lots of ways to work within it.

Next, Li Evans with KeyRelevance will be looking at it from an SEO light. YAY!!!!!!

We used to have controlled media like TV. Now with social media, the user can take control of brands. People want to take control. People are writing about you in their blogs, etc. So now you have the rise of social media having more power! You must understand that you need to get involve.

Why do you want to use it?

Not Links – Links are a by-product of social media. Links will come naturally. Its like SEO peeing in the pool. People will get mad at you. You will lose their trust if they know you goal is links, no community involvement.

Just to be clear here. I’m not gonna lie, I totally do it for links. I wouldn’t dare to insult my audience by letting them know that or serving them something they don’t want. If they didn’t want it, they wouldn’t link to it anyway, but I am in it for the link. LOL!

Wisdom of The Crowds – When you have the ability to talk to your consumer without a microscope, you can get great info from a crowd as opposed to a focus group.

Sharing and Engaging in Conversation – More likely to get a lead when you get to talk to them yourselves. They will go turn around and spread that info for you.

It Gives Your Consumers a Voice – You can hear what they say about you. You can hear what they think about you.

Social Media is The Whole World – Its huge. Social News, Social Media, Social Sharing, etc. You must understand who is in your target market before you jump out into it.

Who is you audience? – Are they writers, are they spectators reading RSS etc, nothing, blogger, collector, etc?

What is you target audience doing? – Watching videos? Sharing photos? Reading blogs?

Social Media is NOT:

  • Something you jut jump into
  • To replace SEO & PPC campaigns. It simply complements it.
  • Done by interns

Social Media IS:

  • Difficult
  • Time Consuming
  • Not Same For Everyone
  • Done By Professionals


  • It’s about conversation, not the link
  • People can smell a fake
  • People love to tell their stories
  • Great Customer service is a natural outlet to great social media

Following was panelist, David Snyder, search specialist for JRDunn: He opens with “If you see me sweating, I’m not nervous, I’m just chubby.” LOL. He should be fun.

He mentions he’s taking a different approach since he is on a panel with people who are smarter. Going to talk about how search and social media integrate with branding management.

Quick Stats:

  • 85% of people who uses internet use search engines.
  • 77% of all searches are branded in some fashion

Because of internal linking structure and domain trust, you are seeing social networks are extremely useful in your SERPs battle.

Tips n Tricks:

  • Always optimize your profiles by using user and display names based on how searches will look for your brand.
  • Link to profiles form co site.
  • Original content.
  • The more you engage with perspective clients, the more link equity you will build to your page and the more you are able to pass the rest of your network, depending on your social platform.
  • Keep engagement authentic.
  • Flickr profile and images are indexed.

Tips for Optimizing Images:

  • Set username in account with biz.
  • Create descriptions.
  • Name your image.
  • Tag your images.

Top Tips for Optimizing Video:

  • Be the first
  • Much like images, create titles, descriptions, and tags

For more information on optimizing video, check out SEORountable’s live blogging post on Video Optimization or Cal Coast’s very own Video Optimization section of this blog.
