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Real Estate Yahoo Link Exchnage Update – Cal Coaster October 06

IMPORTANT Linking Information from Cal Coast

The world of SEO marketing is an ever evolving art form, and Cal Coast Web Design prides itself on staying abreast of current trends in the industry to ensure your Web site maintains high rankings with search engines. Recently, a development in SEO marketing has emerged that will require a slight change in our normal process for establishing link exchanges. One of the largest search engines, Yahoo, has announced that it will now penalize Web sites for containing low-ranked link exchanges pages with nothing but links. This means that the quality of links has now become even more important than the quantity.

Many of you may have received emails form website companies, hosting companies, web consultants and friends. Please be careful when taking their advise. Please do not delete all of your links pages. If you have any questions about these emails please feel free to send over to S so we can advise.

As expected, there will be some revamping of your links page in order to satisfy Yahoo’s new ranking requirements. First, all current links will be evaluated based on page rank and content relevance. Any link to a site with a page rank lower than four will be deleted; unless, of course, the content it provides is highly important. Second, we will add unique content (RSS feeds, relevant copy, images, etc . . .) to your links page in order to counteract any penalty you may encounter from your link exchanges. Content continues to be king in the world of SEO! Last, any new links added to your site will be thoroughly researched to ensure high ranking and content relevance. As always, please feel free to send your link exchange requests to l, but please keep in mind that it is best to only add well rated and highly-informative links to your site.

In spite of these new changes, link exchanges are still an important part of your Web site on pages with content and some of our past work in developing link pages will continue to be used to add benefit to your SEO program. Remember that these links have done their job by helping to establish your current high ranking, and by utilizing these links in a new, more targeted fashion, Cal Coast can help your Web site maintain its great position. We appreciate your patience while we implement these new changes on your Web site and plan to complete all modifications by the end of August for those of you who have enough available max hours. The others will of course take a bit longer or need to request additional time. This is especially true for REALTORS where the popularity of linking grw tremendously for our realtors pages. If you have any questions or concerns, or would prefer that Cal Coast NOT modify your links page in order to help maintain your Web site ranking, please do not hesitate to call or email us at any time.

Find out more about the latest SEO marketing trends including the new Yahoo linking penalties by visiting the Advanced Access (AA) forums. The AA forums are a great resource for all Advanced Access customers and can provide expert information on every SEO related topic. Visit the AA forums today at

Thanks Cal Coaster Subscribers!


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