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Cream Of Competition Analysis Soup – Cal Coaster November 2006


Happy Thanksgiving! Believe it or not, we are already in the heart of the holiday season. And even though it’s a busy time of year, keeping abreast of your competition can help make a significant difference in your SEO marketing program. That’s why this month’s Cal Coaster recipe is Cream of Competition Analysis Soup.

At Cal Coast, we proactively search for your competition, and our Cream of Competition Analysis Soup can help you to understand how Cal Coast finds your competitors and how we research their Web sites to make your SEO program even better. By knowing who your competing with, Cal Coast can build a more robust SEO program for your company, which will help you to obtain better rankings in search engine returns and gain more customers.

Check out the recipe below to find out how Cal Coast monitors and responds to competitive Web sites. If you have any questions about our competitive analysis work, please feel free to contact us at And from everyone at Cal Coast, we thank you for your business and wish you a safe and joyous Thanksgiving!

Cream of Competition Analysis Soup

  • 1 prepared Search Engine
  • 2 cups Research
  • 1 cup Analysis
  • Dash of Implementation
  • Pinch of Keywords
  • Pinch of Creativity

Add Research to prepared Search Engine. The first step in understanding your competitors is to know who they are. Companies you were not even aware of may be your toughest online competitors. By visiting major search engines such as Yahoo or Google, Cal Coast can conduct focused searches using your main keywords to find out what companies, if any, are beating your rankings.

Add 1 cup Analysis to the research mixture. Once Cal Coast has found your top online competitors, we can begin to analyze their site. By taking a few moments to explore their pages, we can see what type of information they are providing their visitors. During our research, we will document any information/pages/links that we think would be a beneficial addition to your site. It is very important to remember that your site should never provide less information then your competitors’ sites.

Mix in a dash of Implementation. Once we have thoroughly researched your competitors’ Web sites, its time to get to work on adding content, pages, links or other SEO tricks to your site. Cal Coast uses the information we have gathered to determine what additions would best benefit your program. For instance, if your competitor provides information about the types of businesses they serve, your site should also address this issue.

Remember, NEVER copy a competitors’ (or anyone’s) content for ANY reason. This is plagiarism. Not only could this result in legal issues, but its also duplicate content, which means search engines won’t index it and it will do nothing to help your rankings!

Sprinkle with Keyword Seeds and Creativity. As always, your new content should be seeded with keywords as well as be engaging and creative. Keywords will help your rankings and will help increase visitors to your site, while well-written, informative content will keep your visitor from leaving.

CalCoastWebDesign.Com Undergoes Re-Design

In an effort to better serve our clients, Cal Coast has recently undergone a Web site re-design. Our new site offers easier navigation, more great features and expanded information on how Cal Coast can work with you to develop a powerful SEO program. Let us know what you think about our new Web site look. Email your comments or suggestions to today!

Cal Coast Services Make Great Tax Write-Offs

Don’t forget that the end of the year is right around the corner and your last chance for tax write offs is now. Whether it’s content for your site, a Flash addition to your homepage, or a Web site for your new product or service, Cal Coast can help you develop a more robust SEO program immediately. And remember, Cal Coast’s services can be tax deductible for your business! Call us today at 949-229-5923 or email us at

Thanks Cal Coaster Subscribers!


Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.
