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Mobile Apps and Websites: Take Advantage of Easy to Use Tools Today

The explosion of the smartphone has dawned a new age of instant communication and limitless tools. Today we now have access to an innumerable amount of information at our fingertips. How do we access this information though?

Today we use smartphones. Every business associated with smartphones is growing. You should use some of the easy simple tools available through smartphones to increase your advertising and reach more customers. A couple of these easy tools are mobile websites and apps.

Smartphones are now the #1 tool in finding businesses and reaching your customers.
Did you know:
  • 20 billion apps downloaded in just 3 years.
  • Average smart phone user has 20 apps on their phone.
  • If your website isn’t mobile then consumers are finding your competition.
  • 79% of smartphone users use their phone to find business information.
  • Mobile searches will soon exceed desktop searches.

Alan W with

Getting the most out of your Website

When you are trying to advertise your business online there are a few simple checks that should be made to help create easy access and help your customers get the most out of your business.

Tips for mobile websites

  • Simplicity is key!
  • Use simple layouts. You dont want to confuse your customer. You should be able to find what your looking for within just a few clicks.
  • Also customers prefer apps over mobile websites. People will leave if they cannot read your content or find info quickly.

Dominos is the perfect example of utilizing a mobile website and app

One thing that Domino’s does right is if you try and visit Domino’s website on a smartphone it will automatically detect that you are on a smartphone and ask you to download their mobile app. This is a win-win for Domino’s. The more apps a business has downloaded the more likely they will have repeat business and also obtain loyal customers. It is simple to do this, and all you need is a mobile app for your business. Domino’s website also gives you the option to choose to go to their mobile website as well. If someone elects to not choose the mobile app you are directed to an easy mobile webpage where you can quickly and easily order a pizza. Take a look at their website both on your desktop and mobile device for a great example on how to do it right.

Desktop Website
Mobile Website
iPad and iPhone apps

Don’t let your competitor get the advantage.. Act today and call Cal Coast Web Design!

Native Apps and Mobile Ready Apps

Mobile ready apps:
Web app vs native apps: web apps have nothing to download. It’s like your website, but boiled down a bit to the basic nuts and bolts with print that’s easy to read.

These apps can usually be generated for less than 1k!

Native apps:
Native apps have benefits, these are the downloadable apps.

One click calling, menu PDF, increase social media connections. GPS coupons, QR coupons, live updates, blog feed, calendar, push notifications, share by email, expand constant contact list, etc.

This helps you to never be separated from your clients!

Apps also let you engage your customer. Be creative let them be part of the experience!

Apple denies many apps because they don’t use enough iPhone features. Make your app use the camera, maps, etc so it’s more likely to get approved.

You can now get a native app built for less than 10k.

The cell phone and mobile app will soon take pole positions to websites as the ‘hub’ of your internet marketing campaign.

You can do this for your business! There are many different ways to build apps and websites. Cal Coast Web Design specializes in building websites and we can also set up a mobile app as well. Call us today for more information.
