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How To Set Up Twitterfeed

Here is a step by step instructions on how to set up Twitterfeed.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Register Now
  3. Fill out information Email address & Password of choice
  4. Click Create Account
  5. Type in Feed Name – This should include keywords from your site
    (Example: Orange County Plumber, Orange County Movers etc)
  6. Paste in your RSS Feed URL
    (Blogger: Scroll down to the bottom of you blog and click Post Atom, this is your RSS Feed URL. WordPress: All feeds are
  7. Continue to Step 2
  8. Click twitter
  9. Now you will authenticate your twitter account
  10. Click authenticate twitter
  11. You will now be taken to the twitter site input your username and password
  12. Click allow
  13. Click create service
  14. Next we want to set up Facebook
  15. Click Facebook
  16. Now we will authenticate the Facebook account
  17. Click connect with Facebook
  18. Type in username and password
  19. Click allow
  20. You now have to select your fan page from the drop down
  21. Click create service

Now that you have set up your Twitterfeed account you need to make sure it works properly. Go to your blog and create a small blog post. It will take a few minutes but it will show up on your Facebook and twitter accounts.

Here is a great video I found on YouTube that will walk you through it step by step.

Have Questions About Setting Up Twitterfeed? Or Want Someone to do it for you??