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Google Update – PR Package – BLOGGING & MORE BLOGGING! – Cal Coaster March 2007

Cal Coast News

Cal Coast Web Design has had great success helping many of our clients
promote their business or service outside of the SEO arena. Our
Public Relations program provides clients with professional PR services
that help to brand their company and promote their unique products.
Cal Coast has seasoned PR and marketing professionals on staff to
help guide our clients in the creation and distribution of press
releases and marketing materials. Many of our clients have received
extensive coverage in major industry magazines and are building
their brand by marketing themselves as experts in their field. If
you would like to know how Cal Coast can create a personalized PR
program for your company, contact us today at
or 949-229-5932 ext. 4 for more information.

SEO News

As some of you already know, Google has recently begun another update that may appear to be resulting in some problems with Web site rankings. If you’re experiencing
a drop in rankings, you are not alone. While Google no longer
performs major updates, which had affectionately been dubbed the
“Google Dance,” the search engine does perform more
frequent updates that can cause temporary drop in rankings.

We do expect that this Google update will cause some reshuffling
of rankings, but we do not expect that your efforts to date will
be lost. Once the update is complete, we expect your rankings
to climb their way back up. This week alone we have seen 5 clients
who dropped from page one, return to where they once found such
success. Rest assured, Cal Coast has it under control :). As always,
if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
or 949-229-5932 for more information.

Tip of the Month

Blogging, Blogging, Blogging

I know that we have said it time and time again, but blogging
really is becoming one of the most important tools in the SEO
marketing bag of tricks. You may have noticed that we have really
stepped up our blogging efforts on your behalf and will continue
to do so for some time.

Blogging creates new and unique content related to your Web site
and business. It also creates new links to your site and is a
powerful marketing tool for promotion of your unique service.
Our blogging services include account set-up with
(or another blog site of your choice) as well as the development
of comprehensive blogs for your keyword phrases. Our marketing
experts are public relations and SEO professionals and use your
blog to promote your company and provide visitors with tips, tricks
and information relevant to your services.

While Google continues its reshuffling, many experts agree that
blogging can help to counteract the negative effects on your rankings.
Many SEO experts suggest that blogging be done as often as possible.
While you may be unable to add blog entries everyday, the more
frequent your entries, the better your changes of maintaining
your rankings. Cal Coast is always available to help you increase
your blog frequency. Call us today at 949-229-5932, if you would
like to have your blog hours increased.

If you have yet to have a blog created for your business,if you
have any questions about blogging, or if you dont even know what
the word blogging means, then its time to contact Cal Coast today
at or 949-229-5932.

Service Info

Cal Coast is a full service SEO partner offering many services
beyond content creation and Web site optimization. We work with
clients everyday to help them develop robust online marketing
plans that will improve their Web performance. Marketing plans
also help you to outline goals for your business and work towards
them more efficiently. Cal Coast can help formulate a plan to
help improve your online marketing in 2007. Contact us today at
or 949-229-5932 to find out more about our 2007 online marketing
plans and to set up your free consultation.

From Our Clients

I am writing this letter in regards to the assistance I have received
with my Web site by Cal Coast Web Design. Cal Coast Web Design
has been instrumental in my real estate success by ensuring my
Web site and online marketing were top notch.

Although I am on break from selling real estate at this time,
when I was active, Angie from Cal Coast helped set my site up
for proper search engine placement. She also helped lay my site
out so that it was easy to use. Combining technical layout with
ease of use for the end client is not an easy task, but Cal Coast
really stepped up.

Angie’s past experience at Advanced Access in the client relations
department gives her insight into the workings at Advanced Access.
She gets things done for me anytime I need. Quickly too I might
add. Angie always gives me great service. I must say she is one
of the easiest people to work with as well.

If you have clients looking for assistance with there website,
I wouldn’t trust anyone else for the job. Cal Coast’s professionalism
is second to none!

JP Blake

Thanks Cal Coaster Subscribers!


Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.
