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FTP Training Manual: How To Upload Files to The Internet For My Website



FTP – stands for File Transfer Protocol, and it’s a method of uploading and sharing files through
the internet.


FTP is the main program Cal Coast uses to transfer edited files to our custom websites.

We like CORE ftp or ACE

ftp, the programs are easy to download and simple to use:

ALL FTP programs work in the EXACT same fashion. In a nutshell, the login is the top section, your C drive is the left section, and the Internet is the right section. See diagram:


Open your FTP program.

Core FTP: Select an existing site by double clicking. If you do not see the website you wish to edit in the left side window pain in the Site Manager, select “New Site.”

Site Name: Enter what you want to see on your Cdrive. is standard.

Host/IP/URL: Get this variables from Client’s Passwords tab inDB.

Username: Get this variables from Client’s Passwords tab in DB.

Password: Get this variables from Client’s Passwords tab in DB.

Leave remaining variables blank and select “Connect.”

Ace FTP: You’ll notice 3 variables along the top or variables prompted when you open the program.

The only variables to worry about are as follow:Host: Get this variables from Client’s Passwords tab in DB.ID: Get this variables from Client’s Passwords tab in DB.

P/W: Get this variables from Client’s Passwords tab in DB.Initiation. Plug in your 3 variables, and hit enter. OR plug in the 3 variables and click the computer icon that stands for “connect”. (to the right of the P/W field)

If your sound is turned up, you’ll hear a sound like a door knock upon connection. You will also see tasks in the Log tab, and files and folders in the Active Internet Files section. These files and folders are the the nuts and bolts of the website, so NEVER delete them!

***Essential Step: Each time you open FTP, you must copy all the existing internet files over to your C drive. (from RIGHT to LEFT) Now go back and read that sentence again.***

Q. Why do I need to copy the files from the internet EVERY time?

A. Because you are not the only person working on the websites. Someone else may have uploaded or changed the files very recently. If you don’t save the files from the internet to your C drive FIRST… and then make your changes, you could be undoing someone else’s hard work.

Updating files. After following the steps above, open the files off of your C: drive in Frontpage, Flash, or Dreamweaver; and make the requested changes. Preview the changes to make sure they work correctly, and then upload them to the internet (move from LEFT to RIGHT). Image files. Please note that all images typically are stored in the IMAGES folder. If you upload a page with images you need to remember to upload the new images as well.

Troubleshooting problems:

A red x is typically caused because an image was not uploaded, or uploaded to the wrong folder. Right click on the red x to find out where the image is supposed to be located.

Broken links are sometimes caused by incorrect case. If the folder is named “images”, and you are linking to “Images”, there may be a problem. Check your “case” before contacting management for assistance. Some FTP programs and hosts require case sensitive links and case sensitive login usernames and passwords.

Incorrect file extension – If you have a “page cannot be displayed” your file may be named “.html” instead of “.htm” ; or linking to a “.htm” instead of “.php.”

If you are copying and pasting for logging in, make sure there is no space before or after the username or password.

When checking your webpage for changes make sure ctrl + f5. This forces the browser to read the most recent html code.

