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Fast Easy FREE Tools for SEO – How Can you afford to NOT read this????

First Up with Free goodness is Matt Mcgee with KeyRelevance

  • Firefox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! free browser download now if you aren’t using it. Look up at your internet window. Is there a blue title bar with an “e” in the corner. If so, immediately report to

    Why? Would you pick up the Top Ramen if the filet was next to it?

    There are all kinds of SEO add ons and plug ins to make your life easier!

  • – When you run a keyword search, under each listing, you get extra data. Google PR, how old a domain name is, how many links pointing to that dn. Whether they have listing in DMOZ, Yahoo, etc. It shows whey they rank how they do.

  • – Click and pop up. Rather than providing in SERPS, it provides for individual web pages.

  • SEO Quake – provides a lot of the same data KW Research Tools
    KW Discovery tons and tons of data! Some people swear by it!

  • Google Webmaster Central – Sign Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only for Google

  • – Link Building Tools – Use it to look at competitor

  • – You give it a kw and it spits back top ranking sites for that kw and analyzes sites that link to that site.

  • – Same as Hub Finder. Presents it cleaner, easier to use.

  • PPC Tools Local? Geo – You provide area, radius and keyword and this tool spits kw categories up for you.
  • Domain Tools – Who Is info Spider Tools

  • – If you switch to advance it also gives you info like link count and word count, load time, etc.

I swear he said 12, I have 7. How does this always happen????? LOL!

Next up, Scott Allen with Hybrid6 Studios talking about competitive research tools and WordPress!

  • – Collect data from ISPs. Provide data on competition. Type in multiple domains. Data mine keyword lists that drive traffic to your visitors.

  • FREE Alternative – Google Trends – What regions? What sites are visitors are going to? What keywords are they typing in? Find out with these tools.
  • SPYFU PPC DATA FOR COMPETITION – Derive who your competitors are. Find data by domain and keyword. See what competitors are spending on PPC campaigns. What kws they rank for and are bidding on. **Google Insights For Search Provides data for marketers based on kw data they have been collecting. Pick up trends that are going on in your market. You can even look into regional and local data.It also helps you determine best messaging phrases on.
  • WordPress is an SEO Tool – When you install, you must do so on your own domain to get the full benefits!!!!!! You must make a few configuration tweaks when you get started! There are so many plugins available!!! Can be used by all!!!!

    Benefits: – Once set up, start creating content even if you’re not a pro.

    You can build links an awareness. Every time you write a post, it sends a ping to the other site. If the other site is also on wordpress, it will create a link back to you. Its no followed so no juice, but it does bring traffic.

    Additionally, there are social media marketing plugins available.

    When you first start up, please ensure you use the following recommended settings:
    Search Engine Friendly URLS – Permalinks – Month and Name or other SE friendly name – Indexable By SEs – Settings – Privacy – Blog Visibility – Would Like Blog To Be

    Make Sure It Communicates with Pings – Settings – Discussion – Attempt to Notify Any Blogs About This article

  • PlugIns

    1. All In One SEO Pack – Modifies on page SEO. Optimizes Title Tags, prevents dup content issues, generates metas automatically

    2. Internal Linking – WP Related Posts – Pagination – Most platforms are weak, adds page numbers! “WP Page Navi”

    3. Sociable – Plug in to add media to social networking sites.

    4. RSS Feed – RSS Footer – Provides link and copyright footer in case someone steal content through RSS.

    5. Caching – Traffic spike can cause server to go down. WP Super Cache – Caches database driven content!

Next up…Oh, Its Joe!!!!!! Yay for all the Sage Rock success this year! There’s something about this Joe guy that makes me smile. Crap, cant see his left hand. Focus, Angela, focus. Joe Abraham of Sage Rock marketing , wraps up the freebie tool session with the following ideas…

  • Research:

    Google Keyword Suggestion – Now gives you approx search volume! You can also type in a url and see what Google thinks the site is about. Good place to start for competitive research. Do to your own site too! Yay for Google finally providing search numbers instead of silly line graphs I cant make sense of. I want the numbers!!!!!!

    WordTracker – Please don’t go by search volume # here. This site doesn not pull its results from the “big dogs.” Your just here to get an idea for more terms.

    KW Discovery & Microsoft – Play with these tools. They have demographic information – super cool! See what kw will serve your demographic!

  • XML Sitemaps What???

    This is nothing more than a simple a list of all URLS you want found on your site. It can list importance of pages and allows engines to find things easily but as usual, it doesn’t guarantee inclusion.

    Type in “Sitemap: space url” to sitemap in robots. (i.e. – sitempa: & – generate and copy n paste in text and name xml to quickly and easily upload to server.

    Google Webmaster Central – You can submit sitemaps straight through google too.

  • Heat Mapping Tool Crazy Egg – This is for picture people – Angie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It allows you to see user trends!

So I got a comment on on of our blogs from a client who said that they got banned from WP from linking back to their own site. I’m fairly certain this is because they are still on a wordpress subdomian. I confirmed with Joe. Sure enough, that was the case!

For a detailed synopsis of the session and more links, check out SEO Rountables perspective on Fast, Free & Easy Tools To Get you Going
