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You Mean Something Happens After The Click? Post Click Marketing Starategies

Last on of the week…(okay, last one for me, think we’re gonna skip the next session and save some time and money by heading home early!)

Post Click Marketing: Traffic & KW Segmentation

Carrie Hill with Blizzard Internet Marketing
Laura Wilson with The New England Journal of Medicine
Scott Brinker with ion Interactive
Tom Leung with Google

To Increase Web Site Conversions Qualified Traffic is key!

Buyers know what they want and that what they search for. Be sure to use segments to deliver language and an interface that will appeal to your shoppers.

If you see searches for “free shipping” you should add those calls to action or trust factors in a prime location. Support the query with the ad copy.

Land on the Right Page! Sometimes self segmentation is necessary, but ensure that you continue that kw or query info along the conversion process.

Test this theory with Google Website Optimizer!!

How can I better utilize what Im already getting?

Laura Wilson shares a case study with tips and successes from someone in he trenches…

5 Key Ingredients For Successfully Converting Traffic:

  • Know Where Your Conversions Are Happening NowEngage and convert visitors with relevant content and offers .

    Deliver messages based on what you know about the visitors.

    Give visitors a reason to come back to the site. – Videos, beta site, free weekly audio summary, etc.

  • Deepen RelationshipsDeliver targeted email messages to registered subscribers. Keep them informed and updated!

    Your obligation to your suers doesn’t stop once you get hat lead.

  • Optimize Conversions Through TestingTest, measure, refine and repeat.

    Tactics Utilized:
    Nav Links
    Inserting relevant CTAs on sign in links. Help them reach their goals!
    Free Trial!
    Add CTA to authentication message.
    Welcome Email Series email campaign with Confirmation, Welcome, Free Trial, More info, CTA. Newsletter/Features update. Free Trials to Convert issue.

    When someone is in free trial, you get emails to tell them how much time is left and encourage use. Theres a “pay up” CTA.

  • Finally, A/B Split Testing

Next up is Scott Brinker to discuss segmenting for post click marketing. who leaves us with 2 takeaways….

1. More Specific Landing Pages are crucial to a site’s success!!!

How is it like a Ferris wheel? You start off with landing page as is. Then do some AB Testing. Still one destination, but now you are trying different buckets. Test lots o’ buckets. It’s really important to keep in mind, its just 1 ferris wheel. Put the content aside and understand the respondent. What is the average of all these people? You really want to break up and have different ferris wheels or pages. You will still need to do testing for right headline, etc. though!

2. Self Segmentation after the click

When someone types in dinner, what were they looking for? A place to buy dinner? A recipe? Dinner to a dog is cat and dinner to a cat is tuna. Simply put, the intention of one user is not the same as another, even with the same keyword.

In these scenarios, self segmentation is required.

Have 2 page landing pages or an options with self segmentation CT. Your landing page should essentially split into 2 sections when necessary. B2b, go here. Consumer, go here. Its as simple as that.

Why bore and upset a user by making them read, fill out, and sift through something that doesn’t even pertain to them. It takes less than a second to lose a visitor. Is that how you want it to happen?

For more info, visit Scott’s Post Click Marketing Blog.
