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Custom 404 Errors!

We’ve all seen them when browing websites or even clicking links from search results. The dreaded 404 error rears its ugly head when a website or a specific page related to a site are unavaliable or no longer exist. According to a recent online poll, it is commonplace when encoutering such an error for the user to simply click the back button and forget about the page or site he or she may have been trying to reach.

Not only can a discouraged web surfer click back and forget about reaching your site, it’s very possible that they will discount your website entirely and make use of a competitors website instead. So what can you do as a website owner to prevent this type of thing from happening? The answer is simple, build your own 404 error pages.

Having custom 404’s will allow you to place any type of information on the page you like. This can then server to inform a visitor of why the error is occuring, and can also redirect the visitor to another portion of your website. This formula keeps your visitors from backing out of the error and looking for alternatives.

If you have any additional questions about custom 404 pages please feel free to contact us anytime so that we may assist you further!
