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Orange County Agents? Are You Using Facebook as a Marketing Platform for Realtors?

It’s our opinion that Facebook is an essential tool in marketing for Realtors. Let us help you get the most out of your Facebook marketing.

Agents need to at least follow these 4 simple guides…

  1. Familiarity with the platform: Get to know Facebook and all the in’s and out’s. The more you use it the easier it will be to use it.
  2. Understand the Tools: How to navigate the site, and become efficient at everything Facebook.
  3. Clear goals and objectives: Have a plan and Follow it!
  4. Facebook is a long term play: It is not a short term marketing tool. It takes time, but is worth it ask the Millions on Facebook who have set up a business page.

If you still don’t know how to use Facebook to its full potential on your own there are a few ways to increase your knowledge very fast.

  • Try for video training. Its $25 a month to get your social or program basics. (In the search box type in social media training!)

Facebook Basics

There are a few basics you should be comfortable with when marketing on Facebook as a Realtor. You should be comfortable with tools, profiles, pages, groups, and ads.

  • Profile: Get one, its easy to set up, and to interact with. Add stuff, fill out every section, and remember to be yourself.
  • Pages: Pages are in the process of changing right now at Facebook, they are going through a major redesign. Optimize your page for real estate, there are a ton of third party apps that are in the works (Our listings tab).
  • Groups: There are various ways to be in groups. You can be in a closed or secret group depending on the purpose of the established group. You don’t have to be friends with group members in order to interact with them in that group.
    • Creating and administering a group is the next level after joining a group. Which groups can you create and network with?
  • Ads: Ads are a great opportunity for real estate agents. They are a unique advertising platform where you can choose who the ads will target.
    • Examples: Advertise listings, events, specifically target newly-weds etc..

Always remember, your profile is the hub and command center for your Facebook campaigns.


The compilation of the above creates your newsfeed. This is unique and private to you. Everything that is pertain-able to your account will appear on the newsfeed. Such as friends posts, and all other recent information. It is always being updated. Others can’t see it. A newsfeed is not a wall, your wall is different. A wall is everything you post on your Facebook. This is what other see when viewing your page or profile.

Your newsfeed is determined by “Edgerank algorithm”. How do you become popular in the feed?  EdgeRank rewards higher engagement posts, likes, comments, and shares…so be interesting and engaging!

You can ‘view as’ your profile by clicking the little spoke in the new timeline. View as a non-friend and make sure the right professional data shows.

Make sure your office or company is selected correctly – a huge amount of people click that!

Have you setup your page and personal URL / usernames?  DO NOT violate the Realtor terms of service by using the can’t change your page URL and you can only change your personal one once! We recommend to go keyword seeded.

Content Strategy

Content is king on the web and creating the most combined with the best will get you the most hits (views).
There are numerous ways to create good and compelling content. Keep these in mind when creating content for your page.
  • Create offline interactions.
  • Engage your audience.
  • Become a resource.
  • Support. Share success stories and congratulate.

If you have no content strategy then you’ll simply have a huge time suck on your hands. But…if you think of your posts like pointillism…you can create masterpiece work of art.

Don’t be self serving, be conversational, be consistent, engage, and paint that picture!

Need more info? Stacey wrote a book on Facebook marketing for Realtors.   (link to it on amazon)

Stacey recommends to make ONE page work for you – don’t go creating 5 different pages that need consistency and content, it’s overwhelming.

If you are looking to go beyond the basic Facebook page Cal Coast has a social media package that guarantees to increase your online presence! Follow the link to learn more!
