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WooCommerce Training Resources

As a reminder, these are WooCommerce training resources, not WordPress. Master documentation for WordPress can be found here. >> WordPress Documentation (user and developer docs).

WooCommerce Training Resources

How to manage, edit or add inventory…

What to do when an order comes in/How to update the order/options…

Including: How to edit or adjust an order &  How to complete an order.


Pro Tips

  • Leaving a Note
    There are a number of available resources and solutions for coordinating with buyers. One “go to” favorite is the NOTE feature from WooCommerce. On the customer order admin page, you can enter order notes on the right side of the screen and select from the dropdown that it’s a customer note to send an order update to the customer provided email address. Here you could enter the details for coordinating pickup locally (or even tracking code with a note to let them know their item/s have shipped if you want to eliminate that fee in the future for the plugin.)

Looking for additional training & support?

Cal Coast Web Design is happy to use your monthly time from a WordPress Security & Maintenance package to create custom tutorial videos or train virtually through web conferencing applications like Zoom. Contact us to set up an appointment.
