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SES 2007 – Search Engine Q & A on Links

Day 3
Track 4: Search Engine Q & A on Links

Panel Members:
Peter Linsley of
Shashi Thaur of Google
Sean Suchter of Yahoo! Search
Eytan Seidman of

Shashi Thakur – Google:
Where do links come from?
In the old days…
– People created lists of my favorites
– Google thought it was important for the “vote.”

That’s why things got messy.

Good Linking:
– A link from your page is like a personal reference. Its like giving a recommendation. It says a lot about you.
– Needs to be on topic. Links must be relevant to the page, and useful to the visitor
– Must be visible – no frames!
– Needs good anchor text

Bad Linking:
– Attempts to manipulate search engines and rankings by getting or by trading gratuitous links.
– Of low values to users and search engines

Sean Suchter – Yahoo:

Quick Tip #1: If you must re-organize your site, be sure to use 301 redirects ON THE SAME SITE!

Quick Tip #2: Link Farming is no good. Links are typically not good all at once (with the exception of viral marketing). Too much interlinking could look like spam.

Eytan Seidman –
Webmaster tools releasing soon will provide “site:” capabilities.

Often times Blogger, WordPress, TypePad and other blog platforms do not allow 301 redirects to a new blog. Replacing your old blog with a link to your new blog, doesn’t give you any linking credit to the new site and also loses visitors in between sites! If you cant do a 301 redirect, utilize a meta refresh!

End of day 3…Lets get ready to party!
