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SEO for businesses in OC – our Success Seminar was a hit!

Orange County Search Engine Optimization

So, what’s it take to be popular online here in the OC? Mostly, it just takes TIME. Or money. Both is really best 🙂 Today we had a couple local businesses over to our Lake Forest office for a hands on breakout SEO session.

We were honored to have Astrid Harvey, a fantastic hair stylist in Orange County. We also had my absolute favorite photographer in OC, Carol Bridges! In addition, our new VP of Sales….drumroll….Pascale Petrie-Albert! We were so excited to have all the sales, writing, creative, and SEO skills in one room!! The theme of the day was to pack in as much online exposure as possible. How do you do that???

Well, here’s a few ways:

  1. Get in the mindset of your website visitors, we call them “friends” not “users”. Remember you are building this website for THEM, not as a shrine to you or your business. Structure things accordingly.
  2. Research keywords!!!!!! Don’t just write for an audience of zero when your entire target market is out there waiting for you, if you would just word it right 🙂
  3. Build a blog. Today, by the end of the seminar, everyone was set up with blogs and posts. Scared to blog? Too bad. Big girls blog. So do serious business people!
  4. Update your Yahoo local and Google local business profile. 30% of people who walk into a business now-a-days found you online first. And check your REVIEWS! What are people saying about your business? You had better know. Oh ya, that brings me to..
  5. Google alerts. priceless. Monitor your business products, business name, and board of director names. Proactively monitor your ASSets 🙂
  6. Network, aka link. Make sure you are on local business networking websites, like networking groups (such as LeTip or RBN or Chambers) you belong to, and associations you are a part of. Are you on Voice My Biz yet? How about Or Just like networking in person builds your business so does networking online.

Wow, we got a lot done today! I know its hard to work on the business and the marketing, but someone’s got to do it! If you’re too busy, that’s great, but delegate the task. Hey, you could even outsource that Orange County search engine optimization to a company like Cal Coast 😉 I hope you found this info helpful, comment if you are interested in the next session.

To your success-

Angie Weeks
Cal Coast Founder
