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More Cal Coast Blog – WPG Reports – Other SEO Newsletters – Cal Coaster October 07

Cal Coast News

In an effort to better serve our clients and keep them abreast of new SEO techniques and marketing tricks, Cal Coast Web Design has created a new company blog. We add new entries almost daily and include information on the latest SEO news, tricks and tips so that you can understand how and why your SEO programming is developing. We also provide great SEO resources and company news items so that you can find out more about the latest Cal Coast Web Design announcements.

Some of our latest entries include detailed information from this year’s Search Engine Strategies convention and offer breakthrough techniques for optimizing your program. We encourage
you to visit our blog on a regular basis and hope you will enjoy learning more about the world of SEO marketing and Cal Coast Web Design. Visit our blog today at

We encourageyou to post your comments. Even if you comment is, “How can I persoanlly implemnt this on my site,” just add it. Baby steps. Adding comments to other peoples blogs is
what makes it fun…plus, its a linkback to your site for help in the search engines! 🙂

SEO News

If you’re a monthly Cal Coast Web Design client, you have access to valuable information to help you monitor your Web site’s ranking. Web Position Reports are compiled each month so you can
see how your rankings have changed. Since search engines are constantly evolving, your rankings will fluctuate daily; but Web Position Reports offer an average of these daily rankings to help you see and understand trends as well as dramatic shifts.

Web Position Reports are the only way to see how your site is doing in the search engines, and we encourage you to review yourreports monthly. This information is kept online at the Cal Coast Web Design Support Center. Please log in with the username and password assigned to you in your very first welcome letter.

Please contact should you need this info resent modified. Once you are logged in you may select “web reports”. Now just click on the flashing blue button on your left. If you prefer, Web Position Report consultations are now offered through Cal Coast and we are happy to have a representative discuss each aspect of your report and rankings with you. As always, if you have any questions about accessing your reports or would like to set up a consultation with a Cal Coast representative, please contact us today at 949-229-5932.

Tip of the Month

Getting involved in your SEO marketing program can make a tremendous difference in your marketing efforts. By understanding how an SEO program works and what can be done to improve your rankings, you can more easily communicate your wants and needs to Cal Coast
Web Design as well as appreciate how various tips and tricks can make a huge impact on your program.

A great way to learn more about the world of SEO marketing is to check out some of the latest and greatest SEO newsletters and Web sites. Check out the links below for great information on
the latest SEO developments and get involved in your program today.

Site ProNews

Jill Whalen of High Rankings

Search Engine Watch

Danny Sullivan blog

Of Special Interest

In today’s technology savvy world, SEO marketing is vital to the success of almost every business. While search engine rankings have always relied on keywords and content, in today’s massive online world of blogging and social media, new content has never been more important to keeping your Web site rankings up.

With millions of new blog entries posted each day and thousands of pages of content added to competitive sites every hour, its vital that company’s that want to have great rankings and
internet exposure follow suit and continue to add content as often as possible.

For more information on the affects of blogging and social media on the online marketplace, read the latest article – The Ice Age of Real Estate: How Social Media Influences Change in
the Marketplace
– by SEO expert Barry Hurd.

From Our Clients

Cal Coast is a growing company that has truly taken customer service to a whole new level. They take the time to listen to the needs of their clients and understand their industries. Cal Coast has
offered the same opportunities to smaller Web sites, like myself, to expand my web presence with their SEO program, offer PayPal functionality, and has received several compliments from my own clients and the dean of teachers at California College of Physical Arts, on the style/format of my Web page. I’ve also experienced the tenacity of their staff with a domain name transfer and with Cal Coast’s help, we persevered over several months to have a
Web site that met my detailed demands.

Thank you Cal Coast for helping me in succeeding as a small business with big Web presence.

Sherry Weldon

Owner, Touch ‘N Go Massage, Orange County, CA

Happy SEOing!


Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.
