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Cal Coast Consultation Calls

I’ve spoken to everyone about the importance of participating in Cal Coast Web Design’s Consultation Call program and many of you have had appointment with me several times over the past few months. Those of you who have spoken with me and reviewed your monthly web report know how important it is to do such reviews and how it helps both you and us to determine where we need to head with your website next.

I wanted to take a moment today to talk about one Cal Coast client, Derek Beisner. Derek is a great example of a Cal Coast client who continues to be successful on the Internet, is always gaining positions, and participates each month in the program.

Every time I’ve spoken with Derek I’ve had good news for him. Prior to each call with Derek, I thoroughly reviewed his keyword, summary, and placement reports. The call with him then provided an avenue to voice his opinions on where he’d like to see his site go next and for me to explain what we needed to do next to further boost his search engine ranking. In Derek’s case it’s basically a case of me having to re-run his report prior to doing his linking and blogging this month to find keywords that didn’t perform as well as some others. Though just about all of his keywords are working well for him and he’s placed in good spots throughout the search engines using some of these keywords that didn’t performs as well as they should have to saturate the Internet through links and blogs will help boost his positioning for those phrases and words.

I bring this topic up again because if you are not participating in the Consultation Call program you should at the very least review your reports and make note of keywords and phrases that are and aren’t working and communicate them to us so that adjustments in your search engine optimization can be made. Remember being proactive will always help your website perform better. As always please contact us if you have any questions and if you’d like to have a Consultation call you can have one set up by clicking here.
