Spring is here! Its hard to believe we are already a quarter into 2006. Business is really blooming for us, and we hope your business is growing too! One of the ways to bring your website more business is to exchange links with other like-kind websites. That’s why this month, our optimization recipe is for Linking Linguini with Relevance Sauce.
Before we get into the recipe, we figured you would want to know WHY the search engines are so big on links. As you know, links are time consuming to expedite and sometimes they seem a bit… well… pointless. But the opposite is true! Linking is important because the search engines want to see what other websites have to say about YOUR website. When these websites link to you – especially to your website title – it’s equivalent to a stamp of approval. The more stamps you have across the internet, the better your website will do.
WHY? Because about 5 years ago all you needed to do for search engine placement is program a bunch of keywords into your meta tags. People started taking advantage of the concept and ruined it for everyone else. Search engines realized that webmasters would stretch the truth and even downright lie to get placement in their search. It was then Search Engines had to come up with a new formula so that their searchers would get the best results.
The link exchange concept was born, and it has been a major factor in Search Engine Land ever since. At first, links of any kind were good. Then people started to link just for the sake of linking. Can you guess what happened next? J Now searches only count RELEVANT links, or links that are coming from websites that would be considered in your same category.
One of the services Cal Coast provides to our SEO clients is link exchange, and we screen all your submissions to make sure sites are in a similar category as your website. In addition, since these folks do similar business, we make sure they are not your direct competition, or that would be taking traffic away from your website! It can be complicated sometimes
Now here is your easy-to-remember recipe:
Linking Linguini with Relevance Sauce
- Research red sauce
- One enormous box of Like-Kind linguine
- Email oil
Start by warming research red sauce. Research B2B categories, horizontal and vertical categories, client categories, and competition categories. Put email oil in Google Pot and stir, stir, stir. When emails start to boil, add in like-kind linguine. Add linguine promptly or emails may stop boiling. Give your link partner a serving, and move along to the next box of noodles. There’s lots of Linking Linguini to be made!!!
Linking is one area we really encourage our clients to work with us on. Here’s 3 steps you can take TODAY to get even better links
- Send any link request emails you receive to LINKS@calcoastwebdesign.com as soon as possible.
- Send us an email with 5 people you do business with, who have a website. We just need their web addresses.
THINK LINK. People you talk to and work with on a regular basis are your most receptive link partners. If you are talking websites with someone, ask them to exchange links. Then just send us an email and we will handle the whole process!
Update on CCWDsupport.com
Our new and improved interface is back online at CCWDsupport.com! All hours completed during the downtime have been added to your Hour Logs section, and our transition was smooth sailing thanks to our friends at MediaBlend!
Update on Web Position reports
Our web position reports for the month of March were returned undeliverable, because the new reports are so extensive that the filesize is too large to email. All reports have been run and are on file at Cal Coast headquarters. Please bear with us as we are working on a solution so you can receive email reports, we should have it soon. In the meantime your March reports will be accessible under your “Web Reports” tab in CCWDsupport.com no later than April 3rd. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused!
We want to thank you again for your support.e will let you get back to doing your taxes now !
Thanks Cal Coaster Subscribers!
Cal Coast Web Design, Inc