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Keeping It Fresh: Monthly Blog Posts

Putting out regular content is important. It may not seem like much, but periodic posts about topics that might seem random to you tells your customers that you’re paying attention to your website and sharing your business. You are active and engaged, which shows enthusiasm. There are many great reasons to get active and post updates to your blog, Forbes agrees on that front. What are those reasons?

Regular, organic updates to your site build:

  1. Trust in your brand. The more active you are, the more it looks like you’re an authority in your field.
  2. Human Interest. Blog posts are a way for you to show your personality without being unprofessional.
  3. Google Reputation: Google’s algorithms love to have a site updated regularly to know that it’s still ‘alive’.
  4. Searches: People might not look for your business for what services you offer. Maybe they want a tip they can use at home. However, after seeing what advice you might offer in a blog, your business site might get remembered, shared, or bookmarked for later use.

What sort of things should you post?

You should try to load your site up with news and information related to your business and field of specialty. The newer the news and information is, the better! These types of posts help to show that you’re on top of industry standards. Some great examples of fresh and new posts would be:

  • Coupons/Special Deals
  • Holiday/season Promo
  • Features in the Local News or Media – not just about you, but about your industry or community.
  • Company News/Employee News
  • Event Updates (Upcoming info or follow up images and testimonials)
  • FAQs
  • Video/Images/etc
  • Product/service Updates
  • Tools/Resources
  • Inspiration/Quotes
  • Jokes
  • Testimonials
  • Contests/Drawings
  • Industry/Technology Advances

How often should you post?

However often a person chooses to post, of course! However, for best effect, regular posts should be attempted. Whether that’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly, a schedule that’s generally kept can be great for business. If a website has a great many blog and social media posts one month and then goes quiet for the rest of the year, clients might be dissuaded from contact. However, regular updates show care and consistency and can greatly help conversion.

ANY topic that you think is worth sharing with potential clients can be a great blog post! Part of our package deals include regularly scheduled blog posts for your website in order to keep the engagement going! You can regularly send us topics and information about your business every month and we will use them to update your website accordingly with a concise, keyword-loaded, search engine optimized blog post.

Whether you have one of our packages or not, you can always contact us any weekday to pass along your ideas for a blog post for your website!
