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Im cleaning out the oodles and oodles of articles I’ve been hanging onto as if its easy to search through email folders to find them. Sheesh Angela!

Im going to give ya’ll a little treat here and start posting them on the blog for easy access at any time later.

First up… 106 Content Ideas for the REALTOR who has Nothing to Write About
by The Famous Agents Staff.

Its a MUST read for realtors who arent sure just how to drive traffic to your real estate website.

Just a couple of my favorites…

  • Create an ebook. Example: “(Your name)’s Guide to Buying Real Estate in (your area). Make it a step by step guide to let your clients know exactly what it’s going to be like to buy real estate in your state.
  • Dangers of certain types of loans (such as interest only, certain ARMS, etc.), and why they are not for everyone – be careful not to buy more house than you can afford
  • Buying a resale home versus a new construction home (or completed spec home)
  • Moving resource guide (resources for buyers moving in from out of the area, for local moves, and for sellers moving out – all are potential client bases for you)

Creating content like this will help not only drive traffic to your site for relevant content by imcreasing your keyword density and adding content, but it can also be used to convert traffic with offerings with this informtaion. Need help getting organized? Contact us today at 949-229-5932 or
