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Call Tracking Package with Cal Coast is now available…& we’re GIDDY about it!!!

We’re excited to announce our new and fabulous call tracking package! If you’ve ever wasted money marketing, you’ll want to check this out!

We can help you set up a call tracking phone number (or numbers!) for your on AND offline campaigns. That way you know which of your marketing efforts is bringing you back business, and you can make smarter decisions on what to keep, and what to ditch.

  • Want to know who calls from Yahoo? Done. Google? Done.
  • Want to know who calls from Yellow pages? Done.
  • Want to know who called from your mailer? Done.
  • Want to know if Facebooking ever resulted in a call? Done.
  • Want to know if your assistant ignored every call this morning? Done.
  • Want to hear your new salesguy’s pitch? Done & Done.

Does Cal Coast SEO full service campaigns come with a tracking number? YOU BET. We like being able to report back to you how many calls you got from your website this week or month. We also know if you’re answering those calls and how long they take, and even offer you access to the recorded conversation. Hey, success requires some snoopin’! (Both for you as a business owner, and for us as your consultant:)

If you’d like to get serious about cutting your marketing campaign fat, call us at 949-229-5932. You’ll soon be off and running with reports, recordings, and real life measurements to improve your bottom line. We love it!!!
