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Year End Review

As one year winds down and another is set to begin Cal Coast Web Design would like to take a moment to remind you that the holiday season is a great time to reassess your website and its needs. If you’re one of the lucky few who still get some time off during the end of the year we would encourage you to spend some time looking over your website. It’s often difficult to find time to do such a thing but as things slow down a bit make sure you put aside a couple of hours for your website.

A year end review can show you just how much or how little your websites growth has been over the course of this year. Have you gone up in search engine rankings or have you lost some placement? No matter whether you’ve done well or not this review can help you plan out next years search engine optimization strategy. You may also come up with some nifty little ideas that you’d like to make a reality within your website. Perhaps you would like a few more Calls To Action added to your site, or maybe you’re looking to have some content re-written to reflect your business as it is now. You could also opt for a complete redesign as some website owners do.

It’s also a good idea to go through your links and double check to be sure that these people are linking back. Though Cal Coast Web Design does this on a monthly basis for you, many of you have a myriad of links and it may take us some time to sort through all of them. If you happen upon any sites that you link to but aren’t linking back to your site, please communicate this to us right away so that we can have the link removed. Doing so will help protect your website from possible search engine penalties.

Speaking of content, it’s still King as far as search engines are concerned. That said it’s also a good idea to mull through your pages and make sure that the content within them is still relevant to you and your business. Having old outdated content is not only misleading to search engines but to visitors as well. Make sure your bio and pictures are updated, your contact information is current, and that information related to the products and services you offer is up to date. If you sold purple Widgets last year but now only sell green Widgets do you really want visitors finding your site when they do a search for purple Widgets? This only serves to frustrate visitors and makes your website look bad.

Once you have completed your review please contact us with any changes and/or ideas so that changes can be implemented and you can hit the ground running in the new year.
