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SES 2007 – Link Building Basics

Day 2
Track 1: Link Building Basics

Link Building Basics was just that. Basic.

Panel Members:
“Babysitter” Christine Churchill from the Keyword Research session earlier spoke on the panel with Mike Grehan, VP of Bruce Clay, Inc.

Yes Catherine, we brought back fun Bruce Clay “schwag.”

So let us start with a metaphor…of course! When you visit a reference book of some sort, you have a glossary in the back. This glossary lists terms with their coordinating pages. Essentially this glossary is linking you to pages with more information regarding the topic. You must do the same with your website. If you have content that relates to another page of your site, link to it. Why have the user try and find what they need? Take them on that path. Lead them to what you want them to do.

I heard it again today “mostly all people are stupid.” Now it’s a little harsh and I have a lot of faith but when thinking about your end user, it may be good to keep in mind. You cant expect them to know how to navigate your site so you must make it easy for them. Give them what you want them to do!

So Mike mentioned his ancient search for “foreign cars” in Alta-Vista, back when Alta Vista was the “Google” of the time. His client, Toyota was not number one for that term. Why? Because no where on the web was anyone linking to them with that anchor text. Check the site…all images too! When searching for “search engine” on AltaVista, AltaVista didn’t return themselves as a result. Again, no where on the site was the word “search engine.”

Basically, it’s not what you say about yourself. Its what others are saying about you. In other words, which anchor text they are using to link back to you. This is what he referred to as the Hub Authority Algorithm.

A link from a respected site, proves quality of your own. See high school lining metaphor again.

Now lets talk a little bit more about Co-citation. This is a connection between sites without a link. If SITE A links to SITE B and SITE B links to SITE C, but SITE A does not link to SITE C, SITE A & C are still connected essentially indirectly. A link from a site with a high quality link can also be a great way to get quality links.

Real quick. Let me ask you…Do you have GAS? I know I do, and is not from the burrito I ate last night either. Its Google Anxiety Syndrome over page rank. WHO CARES!!!! Stop worrying about it. Yes its important. How important, just a little. You want any link that has some links of its own and related content. Their PR may be 0 now but it may be 4 in 3 months. Stop looking at the “green pixy dust.”

Quick Tip: Be sure to look for links in your community too!

Links need to be surrounded by valuable content with appropriate anchor text. This anchor text, or text you link to a site with, give the search engines and your visitors a clue as to what the page is about.

The search engines have already decided which sites are important. Just go to Google, type in your industry or main keyword. The results are the sites Google thinks is most important to that term. Use those results to find links. They don’t have to be from your competitors. Look or blogs, review sites and much more!

Now go and look for a niche newsletter related to your industry and sponsor it.

No go and find a blog related to your industry and sponsor it.

Here are a few things to stay away from:

1. Relying on affiliate links. They are often times dup content. They are low quality too!
2. Buying domains to link to you. Essentially you’re creating a “spam island.” There’s no content to support the value of the link. Plus you have a bunch of the same sites cross linking with one another all with the same owner.

How do you ask for a link?

– Just have a valuable proposition!
– Please don’t reply on the robot submitting tools and software’s.
– Letters aren’t enough anymore. You must pursue a business relationship.
– Pick up the phone!!!! Again, build that relationship.
– Treat your linkers right. Linking is tedious. Make sure you take good care of the people managing that for you. ***Quick shout out to the Jarvis family for their continued dedication and motivation with links. You rock!***
– Local community links

Still have remaining questions? Want more?

Check out Mike Grehan’s ( Link Building Basics Strategies.


P.S. – Eric Ward of didn’t actually make to the class as originally planned but he did leave us with this great resource….Link Building Basics custom info.

Posted By: Angela Collins
Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.
