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OC Talk Radio’s Show, Critical Mass, Interviews Angie Weeks About Internet Marketing!

***UPDATE***  To listen to the podcast click below!

oc-talk-radio-on-orangeCal Coast Web Design’s own Angie Weeks has been asked for an interview on OC Talk Radio’s show Critical Mass!

OC Talk Radio was created by a group of traditional marketers who realized that marketing is no longer a one way street.  The Internet has changed all that. Host Richard Franzi interviews market specialists from Orange County to learn about their insights and tips into different facets of business.


Tune in to hear Angie Weeks talk about what middle market companies should consider and plan for when creating their own website.

  • What makes a good website?
  • How do you drive business with your website?
  • What are some of the mistakes people make when starting their website?
  • What can you do to keep potential clients coming to your site?

You can easily join in and listen by subscribing to listen through iTunes!

Find out more about Critical Mass for Business – CLICK HERE. The host, Richard Franzi, is a developer of CEO Peer Groups, where business leaders get together to learn from one another and expand their experience.

Whether you own a business already, or want to improve yourself, find free resources & support in your very own community! Start listening.

Visit to download the Listen Live app to be ready for great internet marketing tips! – CLICK HERE.
