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Need to improve Google rankings and website conversions? Here’s a thought….

Today I just wanted to touch on five items you can do to bring yourself success online, and improve Google rankings. Most of these things are easy – the challenge is really consistency!

1. Update your website monthly, weekly, or daily.. depending on what your competitors are doing. The thing about seo is you only need to be one step ahead of the competition – not leaps & bounds. Be careful of web & seo companies who tell you otherwise…they are usually looking to pad their pockets.

2. Maintain your blog. They say “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Your blog is a great place to show both. What should you blog about? Industry updates, consumer tips, case studies, things your public would like to know. The more educating you do through your website and blog, the LESS time you’ll spend on the phone or in person closing the deal.

3. Get your meta tags done. Not yourself. I guarantee you’ll guess the wrong keyword phrases….I do this for a living and I still guess wrong. You may say, “So what if I completely ignore or choose the wrong keywords?” People will like my site anyway, I spent a lot of money on it, right? Wrong! Not researching your online demographic is the worst mistake you can make. Keywords are the breadcrumb trail to the pot of gold. Would you build a business with no windows, doors, or a sign? Keywords are your doors and windows to the search engines, and without the right ones you’re dead in the water. I know many of you do-it-yourselfers say “I did that on Google already, Angie.” Great, you saw the bar for low, medium or high searches. You probably choose all the most popular, and now you’re wondering why your website isn’t coming up for them…or you’re spending hundreds on adwords with no return. Ill tell you a little secret – your pot of gold is not in general or vague search phrases – its in specific niche searches or what is called longtails in our industry. Choosing keywords is a science and Cal Coast has been doing it for years…please let us help you. I’m so sad to hear people who have wasted years online with no keywords or the wrong keywords…they missed so much business. Don’t chase your tail like that. Just call us. Were going to help put you in the right place at the right time.

4. Run reports and analytics. Stats aren’t enough…they only tell you how many got to your website in most cases. You need to know what keyword phrase sent them there, too. Analytics will tell you this. You need to see the paths they take once they enter your homepage so you can constantly improve your site. You need web position reports so you know where you are ranked, on what engines, and if you moved up or down this month. You all remember to check the stats on your bank accounts and referral sources regularly, and your site and blog are no different. If you’re not tracking then you’re losing business.

5. Share the love online. Its not just about your website or blog or success. Support eachother! We do testimonials each week in networking groups because they are so important. How many online testimonials do you do, though? Remember the internet doesn’t have a max capacity and we all make decisions based off of feedback from others. Start doing yahoo local reviews, commenting on other blogs about people you like doing business with, and offering to have that thank you testimonial you email published. Be sure to include your name, business name and website link, because then this helps your SEO! I always think to myself how cool it would be if we posted all our testimonials online. The internet is a growing beast and not only do you need to be there, you need to get found, and you need to maintain a positive reputation when you are found.

Hopefully this information helps unveil some of the things you can do online to break into internet success. It’s only the tip of the iceburg, and we are here to help you. I welcome your questions or would be happy to schedule a consultation with you anytime. 949-229-5932
