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Keyword Quiche Recipe – Cal Coaster January 2006

Happy New Year! We hope business is booming, and you’re still on track with all your good intentions and New Year’s Resolutions. Here at Cal Coast one of our many resolutions was to provide our growing client base with even more Customer Care. We’re pleased to announce a re-organization to better serve you!

First & foremost, ANGELA COLLINS, your Customer Care Director, has taken a full time position 🙂 Angela is now Cal Coast’s CEO and is available via email and phone full time to assist your needs. Her email is, or phone 949-229-5932.

What happened to ANGIE WEEKS, then? Angie is currently serving as Cal Coast’s CFO, and is now handling all accounts payable and receivable. Angie still handles the sales & marketing aspects of CCWD. Her email is, or phone 949-229-5932.

In addition, we now have 5 Virtual Assistants on our team, all trained personally by Angela & Angie. Our Virtual Manager is JENN JARVIS, and she delegates tasks, emails, and oversees daily duties like link and content addition on your website. Her email is, or phone 949-229-5932.

We’d like to thank you for all your referrals and support in 2005 – without you we would never be expanding!

New Year – New Ideas

This year, we’re going to share some of our “recipes for success” with you. Remember, Cal Coast does proactively provide all these services to our SEO clients. Please do forward this information along to your friends if you think they will find it useful, too!

Keyword Quiche


  • generous portion of research
  • cup of competition analysis
  • dash of demographics
  • pinch of product or service
  • liter of location


Sprinkle keyword research various ways for different patterns and a perfect presentation – start with anything that comes to mind, identifying all the obvious keywords and jargon.

Add a cup of competition analysis – visit your competitor’s site(s). What keywords are they using? Add these to your recipe, too! (NOT verbatim) Keep in mind synonyms, plural and merged words are unique keywords. Do not forget to add.

Mix in a dash of demographics and liter of location – is your product or service unique or specific to a city, county, or state? Is your product or service specific to age, sex, or prior purchases? Make sure keywords target your specific demographic, and toss into to your list.

Combine with pinch of product or service – do not forget to be specific about what it is you offer. Do you offer loans? If so, do you offer all loans? Do you specialize in cars or homes? Be specific about your product and spread these specifics on your list.

Garnish with a bit of research – use a keyword tool like, Overture’s keywords selector tool (, to help see if any of these terms are even searched for. Does your search have different results? This is what the internet surfer is typing into search engines. Does this pertain to your service?

Gather your finalized list and let marinate for up to 24 hours. Share with friends and colleagues. Ask them, “If you were looking for a site with content and services pertaining to , what keywords would you search for?”.

Once you have a completed list send to your SEO specialist to ensure your site is being optimized appropriately.

Makes 1 meta keyword quiche, feeds many search spiders and consumers.

*If you are still hungry for more meta and keyword information, check out this great article by Alan Cole: .

Making Memories

Cal Coast’s memory division is really taking off – and we wanted to invite you to have some fun on the internet too! We’re finding more and more every day that people are combining business with pleasure and using the internet to make memory sites – baby sites, family sites, wedding sites, memorial sites, even team and league websites. Next time you have a special event, consider putting it online for all to share. Each one of our memory websites is custom and designed around the theme you specify – they make a great gift, too! For more information, check out our newly redesigned

Thanks Cal Coaster Subscribers!


Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.
