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Back To Basics With Friends

Many times when discussions about search engine optimization and websites in general take place things can become complicated very quickly. During these conversations it’s not uncommon to hear a lot about Calls To Action, all kinds of links, and overall presentation and it really doesn’t matter who you’re conversing with as things are sure to get complex rather quickly.

This can also be the case when you are reviewing your website both on your own and with someone else. It’s during these scenarios Cal Coast would like to recommend that you slow down and keep things simple, get back to basics if you will. There are a few things you can do to keep it basic and here’s how.

  • Spend twenty seconds looking at your website with 3 friends. After twenty seconds has passed, close your site and ask these friends to write down the things that caught their eye. Have them tell you what they saw, what they didn’t see, and what they’d like to see. This can give you some much needed and unbiased insight from an outsider.
  • Next look over these notes and then visit your website again. This time using their notes as a reference look at your site as a visitor. What do you see? What Calls To Action did you or didn’t you see. Do things look strategically placed? Then compare your notes with the notes your friends made.

Sometimes in our haste to get the attention of search engines and to increase our rankings, we can fall into a common trap and overload or even underload our sites with information, and Calls To Action. Keeping the basics in mind should give you a fresh perspective on your site and allow you to make adjustments accordingly. Should you need assistance with any changes or modifications please contact us so that we can help!
