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Avoiding the Meatball Sundae – good marketing advice

Hey all you SEO do-it-yourselfers! I watched a great webinar last week called “Avoiding the
Meatball Sundae” by Seth Godin, a MAJOR online marketing guru! Want my notes? I thought you
did 🙂

Seth mentioned its all about Personalizing SEO campaigns – one size does NOT fit all! He mentioned 14 points to remember so you can stand out online without getting convoluded with your marketing campaign. If you’re not a reader, you can listen to the recording here.

1. We don’t work on the web, let the web work for us. How can we do that?Start with Direct communication between consumers and producers. HAVE SOMEONE available,
invest in people to serve the consumer.

2. Amplification of consumers. EVERYONE’s a critic. Everyone has the ability to talk to
hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

3. Tell stories. People buy from stories and testimonials. Make sure stories are authentic
and true. Tell what’s going on in customer service and what is going on in the factory.

4. Speed. Alter how your organization deals with speed. faster guys thrive!!!

5. Longtail. What is a longtail? Its a way to capture a whole SEGMENT from a curve. See
where your competition isnt optimizing. Amazon gets more than HALF total revenue by selling
books that barnes and noble doesn’t carry. Sales go up when you offer more choices and more
things are offered.

6. Outsourcing. You can change your business model by outsourcing. Go to and they
will record your call and send you an email.

7. Infinite choices and channels. Go in a different direction from your branding. Make it

8. Consumer to consumer. make things person to person, this is how ebay and papal thrive.

9. Scarce and Abundant.

10. Big Ideas. Seth thinks they are dead. The big idea is the PRODUCT. Yours better rock.

11. Connect directly w/people who want you.

12. The NEW Rich! There are more than ever and its not just old money anymore. If you sell
to the rich, you better consider the new rich and their demographic how its changed.

13. Gatekeepers. Its not as important who you know anymore. Is someone a LEADER, and
INFLUENCER? That is who you need to go after!!!

14. Bell Curve. Only 2 ways to make money today. Be ubicuitous. Be scarce. If you are
neither of these then its going to be hard to make a living. Be everywhere. be valuable.

Questions asked were:what about search? Every single google search is a TV show or a place. If you’re not testing daily then you are probably making a mistake. Organic SEO is CRITICAL!! You better be there, and you better not try to do it off your own content… you need user generated content.

For more great info you can buy Seth’s books online here. Thanks, Seth, for helping to clear the online clutter and get to the MEAT of the matter 🙂
