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SES 2008 – Let the Strategies Begin!

ALLLLLLREITY! Here we go for another year of SES, so happy to be here 🙂 I am stopping to give thanks to the man upstairs right now because it was through a series of small miracles we were able to get to Search Engine Strategies this year. WOO HOO we made it!!!! I finished with the keynote, where Kevin Ryan went over the last year in search and the state of the search market today. I won’t bore you with details, you know Google’s still #1 in search, then Yahoo and MSN follow for #2 and #3. I will list out the 10 main focuses of this conference:

  1. Keyword research
  2. Web Design
  3. Copywriting
  4. Link Building
  5. Search Ads
  6. Vertical Search
  7. Blended Search
  8. Local Search
  9. Social Search
  10. Content

Basically Cal Coast is here every year to learn how to make YOUR website better in the above categories, which will make it easier to get found online. If you’re a DIY type, these posts are just for you 🙂 On to the good stuff…
