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Keyword Research & Competition Review


Competing for Page One Organic Google Rankings Requires Extensive Competition Research

Keyword research is the foundation for a successful national SEO campaign.

Without it, your really just guessing probably even throwing your money away.  Keyword research should contain relevant keyword phrases that describe your products/services, the monthly average search volume for each phrase, and most importantly how many other websites you are in competition with.  This information is then utilize to estimate the “difficulty level” for a given keyword phrase compared to other potential keywords.

Keyword research is not the end all be all.  There are many other variables that also need to be considered such as; Site Age & authority, website optimization, mobile optimization, Social Signals, inbound links, and more.  

Our Team will give you comprehensive reporting realistic expectations.

1 Time Keyword Research Package Includes

5 Reasons Keyword Research Is Crucial to Internet Marketing Campaigns

  1. You’ll know the phrases people use to find businesses like yours online
    Cal Coast will dig through search engine data for you and find out what keyword phrases the general public typing in to find sites and services like yours.  We will provide you the numbers along with our recommendations on an excel file for you to keep and use in the future!
  2. Your website will tell search engines your preferred phrases
    A website title is listed in the blue bar at the very top of your website browser.  Currently most websites have a generic title, and could use specific keywords instead.  After our research we will create you the best title for your homepage in order to bring in the most traffic.
  3. You’ll have a description that calls visitors to act
    Your website description is the blurb of text search engines display when your website comes up in their search.  A captivating description with a call to action will be created so users are most likely to click on your site in the list of related sites.  We’ll make sure to create a description to match Google’s webmaster standards, too.
  4. Search engines will know your service categories, so they can refer you business.
    Putting too many phrases in your keyword section can cause your website to be turned away by the search engines.  Using the keyword research we do for your website, Cal Coast will program the phrases into your meta tags that will bring you the most targeted traffic.
  5. All this without having to become a geek
    In order to be the most effective, your meta tags should be placed directly below your <head> tag in the HTML code.  Cal Coast will ensure this happens on your website if you give us your access codes.  If you prefer to have your existing webmaster make this change, we will email them the data with instructions for implementation.

Ready to get started?​

Whether you're ready now or still have questions, schedule a FREE consultation for more info.​