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Introduction To Cal Coaster – Cal Coaster February 2004

Hello All!

Here is our first ever Cal Coast Web Design newsletter.

I’m naming it Cal Coaster, because its going to quickly update you with a whirlwind of info.
Also, sometimes I feel like I am on a roller coaster trying to stay on top of the search engine and web design world! Cal Coaster is ALWAYS going to give you info, a tip, a shortcut, or an update. I”m designing the newsletter so that each month you can invest 5 minutes of your time to stay abreast of what is going on in your website”s world.

On to the news!

Blog smog

According to Wayne Hurlbert of Blog Business World, ” Blogs are much more than online journals. Blogs mean business. They also appear very highly placed on search engine results, and came through the Google “Florida” update with flying colors. Many blogs are sporting some very strong Google PageRanks as a result…

Your article topics could include industry news, product information from a consumer standpoint, various “how-to”s” of using your products and selecting vendors, and regular updates about what is happening around your company. Linking to industry-related news stories is another way to add additional content.

As you write new blog entries, people will feel they know you, and your business, on a more personal level. No longer just a faceless business entity, your business blog enables you to place a human face on the company.”

Cal Coast has created a blog for each one of the websites we optimize. Look for its implementation on your website soon! In the meantime – start blogging! Here”s how:

  1. Download the google toolbar if you don”t already have it:
  2. Go to or (if one doesn”t work the other willJ
  3. On your google toolbar there will be an orange B – click it
  4. The blog window opens, sign in if you are a user, if not become one (2 minutes and NO they will not spam you)C
  5. Type your blog, and press post & publish.

You just directly affected your website, and are on your way to better search engine status! Cal Coast will be monitoring your blogs regularly to create and edit posts, but we need your input to really make this work.

Cal Coast goes Coast to Coast

As you know, Cal Coast Web Design is growing. We now have clients and designers across the country. Please allow me to quickly introduce some of our expanded team and explain what they do:

Kim Cummings – (my sister) Kim is taking over the billing and financial end of CCWD. She is responsible for charging regular monthly accounts and getting out our monthly invoices/receipts. Please direct any billing questions to her: .

Angela Collins – Angela is a Godsend to me and to you too. In addition to running your monthly search engine reports, she handles the everyday nitty-gritty of exchanging links, researching community pages, and keeping your site fresh. She may be responding to emails of yours that I forward to her. Her email is, please keep her on file J

Anthony D”Avanzo – Anthony is the head of our sales department. He will be following up with referrals that you send in, and may be quoting you in the future for second and third sites if/when you request them. His email is

Jennifer Boullion – CEO of DC Image Works, Jennifer is one of our designers, innovators and SEO specialists. She does it all, and she does it well. She may be in touch to assist with questions, concerns, or website tweeks.

Markie Macedo – Markie is an unbelievable flash contractor who is a friend of Mike & I from high school. He has worked on Erika Badu”s website, Uncle Kracker & Kid Rock. CCWD is happy to offer you rock star work at high school friend discounts J Email sales for a quote today!

Justin Miles – Justin is our programming whiz. When your website needs forms or security, he”s on the scene helping. You may hear from him for clarifications.

Tim McCarty – Tim is our super-fast HTML designer. He will be creating graphics, pages, and animations for many of our websites. Tim also handles sales, so you may hear from him for a quote.

That”s it for now – but I will keep you updated with new faces and new trends. Cal Coast appreciates your business, your time, and most of all, YOU!


Angie Cummings

Website Design Coordinator

Thanks Cal Coaster Subscribers!


Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.

Cal Coast Web Design



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