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SES 2007 – Cal Coast Web Design Arrives!!!!

Just arrived in San Jose after almost 6 hours of driving. Not too bad. We are soooo excited to be here again. Thanks to everyone who supported us and our growing business this last your and have afforded us the great opportunity of learning so much from so many of our trusted advisers in the industry. We look forward to bringing the information from Search Engine Strategies 2007 in San Jose back to share with you.

This year, Angie and I have vowed to blog immediately after each track to share with you what we have learned. These posting may have a little something for everybody…general tips and ticks for the newbie small business owner who is looking to start their search engine marketing campaign and also tips and tricks and concepts for all our fellow geeks as well! Please enjoy. And we encourage your comments! First because we love you, and second because user generated content RULES!! LOL!

So the Marriott rooms are pretty nice. The doors slide instead of swing…kind of fancy. There is Internet on the TV and from the modem too. They have “on demand” T.V. viewing and Bath & Body works shampoo and conditioner. The best part though….THE BEDS. They are soooooo comfortable with down and LOTS of pillows in all shapes and sizes!

Have to bring it up though…The biggest downfall (among several…sigh) was that there is only one direct line from the modem to access the Internet. Angie and I BOTH wanted to work (with Internet) from the big comfy beds! How do you propose we fixed the problem?!! That’s right we bought a router and networked the hotel room. Boo-ya! LOL! It was interesting to say the least. We are mean Internet optimizers but when it comes to hardware and networking, um, not our cup of geek tea! Anyway, we did get Internet though!

After that, we settled down for some brainstorming of tracks and tools and a “bed picnic” of wine cheese, salami and crusty bread…Mmmmm. Perfect way to end the night!

Posted by: Angela Collins
Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.
