Hello! Hope that you and your family had a wonderful Independence Day! Today I”d like to give you a short breakdown on the web position report we send to you monthly. This way, you can have a better understanding of all that mumbo jumbo! *If you”re currently not opting for monthly SEO, Cal Coast would be happy to send you one complimentary report. Simply email us!
Breaking Down your Web Position Analysis
Please take a moment to access your most recent web position report. Once you have the report in front of you, the first place to reference is your Visibility Statistics section. The top row shows how many first place, top 5, top 10, top 20, and top 30 positions your site has. These stats are for the keywords shown on the search engines shown. So in all likelihood, you probably have even more positions out there J Feel free to email info@calcoastwebdesign.com with any other keywords you would like added to your search list. We are happy to add more for you, but be careful, search engines don”t like it if we run reports with TOO many keywords!
The next row shows how many keyword phrases moved up, how many moved down, how many stayed constant, and how many total your site currently has. The last box is very important, it”s your overall gain or loss that month. Cal Coast uses this information to help decide what is working for your website”s placement, and what is not. In addition, we factor in your keywords, your location, your website”s main features, and recent additions or changes. Our goal is to constantly improve your overall status, however, fluctuations will occur due to the everchanging nature of the search engines.
Further down the page you will notice individual search engines named, and then certain keyword phrases below them. Each phrase has a position and page assigned to it. Position is the order in which your site ranks, and is the most important. Page allows you to quickly reference what page of the search query your site is on. There is also a Last Position area as well as your Overall Change for each phrase listed. These tell you what your position was last time we ran a report, and how many spots your site moved up or down. Again, phrases will move up and down on various search engines, but our ultimate goal is to keep the change positive and to keep getting more phrases indexed in each search for your website.
Hopefully, now you have a better understanding of your monthly search engine reports. Should you have further clarifications feel free to email us – we”re here to help!
Mid Year Reviews
Mid Year Website Reviews have all been emailed out – please let us know if for any reason you did not receive yours. Our sites are looking better than ever, and it was a pleasure to see your progression since the beginning of the year!
Wedding Bells
Mike & I are happy to announce our wedding will be July 31st! We’re going back to our hometown in Michigan, Mount Clemens, to celebrate with our families and friends. We’ll have an afternoon wedding in his family church, then the next morning we will be flying to Saint Martin for our 10 day honeymoon. Due to the fact that all Cal Coast employees will be in MI for the wedding, we will be “on vacation” July 25th – 31st. We appreciate your support and understanding during this once in a lifetime event. Please do continue to email us your requests and changes as normal, we will tend to them when we return. |
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Cal Coast appreciates your business, your time, and most of all YOU. Take care until next time 🙂
Thanks Cal Coaster Subscribers!
Cal Coast Web Design, Inc.